Studying abroad is a rather big investment considering the cost and time needed. While drawing up your budget for studying abroad, make sure you take both tuition fees and living costs into account. Actually, the living costs for international students in different cities in the UK—except London, the most expensive British city—can vary greatly. You will be surprised to find out the living expenditure in some areas is much lower than you might think.
Let’s take a look at what are 10 most affordable universities and the 10 best student cities in the UK.
We have compiled a list of the 10 UK universities with the lowest cost of living. If you are interested in studying abroad and have a budget in mind, consider the following schools:
:£567.98 per month
:£572.64 per month
:£579.31 per month
:£580.25 per month
:£596 per month
:£600.15 per month
:£612.98 per month
:£622.76 per month
:£627 per month
:£627.52 per month
:£627.52 per month
However, do keep in mind that the living costs listed above do not include rent and expenses. You can save quite a bit if you manage to get scholarships, find cheap accommodation, and cut down on shopping.
According to the 2021 Student Living Index published by NatWest, there are 10 UK cities that are the most suitable and affordable for students. If you are considering studying in the UK but don’t have much to spare, you can apply to study at UK universities in the following cities:
10th: Manchester
9th: Leicester
8th: Nottingham
7th: Durham
6th: Exeter
5th: Birmingham
4th: Oxford
3rd: Glasgow
2nd: Cambridge
1st: Sheffield
Plan for your studies in the UK with IDP Education: let us create a personalized plan for you!
These lists are compiled based on different criteria. Living cost also differs from person to person. If you wish to learn more details about studying in the UK, please don’t hesitate to contact us and book a free advising session. Let our advisors help you create a well-defined plan for studying abroad.
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