Experience the joys of living in a multicultural city and learn more about Australian culture.
United Kingdom
If you’re planning to study in the UK and looking for UK partial scholarships to fund your study there, this article is for you!
From tracking your university application in real-time to shortlisting courses and learning more about your study destinations, learn why the IDP Live App is the perfect companion for your study abroad adventure.
United Kingdom
London it's one of the world's largest, most happening cities. That can be a little overwhelming, but for the most part, incredibly exciting.
United Kingdom
A PhD student at the University of Nottingham in Sociology, Franka Zlatic, advices on finding student accommodation in the U.K.
Choose from a list of the cheapest and most affordable universities in Canada and their top programs and pick the one most suitable for you.
New Zealand
Getting from A to B quickly and easily in New Zealand.
United States
United Kingdom
Discover top UK university rankings based on the Guardian's University Guide and league table 2022 which considers student satisfaction factors.
United Kingdom, Ireland
The United Kingdom and Ireland are two developed countries whose educational qualities are among the most trusted in the world.
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