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842 news and articles

Showing 541 -552 of 842 results
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Speaking Part 2: Storytelling

Storytelling will show off your language speaking skill. Here are some tips and tricks to help you in Storytelling on your IELTS Speaking test.

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    Study abroad without getting an exam!

    Although exams are a great way to test yourself, they can become a major stress factor in your life.

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      New Zealand

      How to get a job without any work experience in New Zealand?

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        United States

        Why study aboard in the USA

        Find out why the USA is the world's most popular international student destination.

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          6 IELTS preparation tips to help you ace the test

          Whether you are confident in your preparation for the IELTS or starting to read up on the test, we have compiled a list of tips to help you ace the test!

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            Best Countries to Study Abroad (Top 7)

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              New Zealand

              The minimum IELTS score to get New Zealand PR and work there

              Thanks to its beautiful natural beauty, rich heritage and renowned universities, the demand for getting PR and establishing a life in New Zealand is high.

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                Top 7 High-Demand Jobs in the Future 

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                  Maclean's University Rankings 2023

                  Maclean's university rankings are based on the program's reputation, research reputation, and a measure of the program's publications and citations. Learn more!

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                    Learn about the highs & lows of International Economics student, Abbi

                    You will learn a lot from the people you come in contact with; friends, employers or teachers or advisors. Build on their advice and experience.

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                      Murdoch University Dubai campus

                      Murdoch University Dubai campus also offers the opportunity to continue your education in Australia.

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                        Referencing and IELTS

                        If you’re trying to figure out how to start preparing and still don’t know much about how the Writing module is assessed, let’s take a moment to do a quick overview.

                          One account for all your study abroad needs

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