لماذا الدراسة بالخارج؟
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لماذا يختار الآباء آي دي بي لدراسة أبناءهم بالخارج؟

المواضيع التي تم مناقشتها

إليك 6 أسباب تجعلها اختيارك الأمثل
لا شك أن قرار إرسال أبنائك للدراسة بالخارج هو واحد من أهم القرارات التي ستتخذها لهم في حياتهم. فالدراسة بالخارج تجربة فارقة في حياة الأبناء؛ إذ سيتعلمون من خلالها الاستقلالية والنضوج، وتطوير العديد من المهارات اللازمة لحياتهم العملية والشخصية.

لذلك، من الضروري للغاية أن تتخذ قراراً حكيماً مع أبنائك فيما يتعلق باختيار التخصص الذي يفضلونه، ووجهة الدراسة، والجامعة أو الكلية المناسبة لهم بالخارج.

قد يكون ذلك الأمر مرهقاً جداً بالنسبة لك، خاصًة إذا لم يكن لديك الوقت أو الخبرة اللازمة كي تراجع معهم كافة الاختيارات المتاحة أمامهم في مئات الكليات والجامعات بالخارج.

1. نضع الصورة أمامك كاملة

آي دي بي شريك لأكثر من 700 جامعة وكلية ومدرسة في دول أستراليا، المملكة المتحدة، أيرلندا، أمريكا، كندا، ونيوزيلندا. مستشارونا التعليميون سيطرحون أمامك أحدث المعلومات عن عالم الجامعات، وأفضل المدن للدراسة، وكذلك أسواق العمل في أفضل وجهات الدراسة بالخارج، كل ذلك لكي يساعدونك على اتخاذ القرار السليم على أساس مستنير.

1. You get the full picture

We are partners with over 700 universities, colleges and schools in Australia, the UK, Ireland, USA, Canada and New Zealand. Our education counsellors will share with you their intimate knowledge of the world of universities, cities and job markets in these top destinations to help you make an informed decision.

2. We put your interests first

Our approachable and friendly counsellors help you identify and secure the best university or college where your child can thrive. They provide unbiased and professional advice, based on your child’s needs and career goals.

3. The experts handle your child’s application

You don’t need to worry about the tedious application process. Once you choose the course and university, your IDP counsellor will help your child fill in the university application, write the perfect personal statement and provide other important documents as required.

Your IDP counsellor will personally contact the university or school to make sure they convey the full picture to help improve your child’s chances of acceptance. Once the application is successful, we will also help your child accept the university offer.

4. You save your money

IDP doesn’t charge fees for helping you and your child find and apply for courses, so you’ll get all the convenience with none of the cost. Many universities also waive their application fees when the application is made through us.

5. You get a full package of student services

Our role goes beyond just helping your child find a place at a university or school abroad. We provide full suite of student services, covering English language testing (IELTS), visa advice, support with choosing the right medical insurance, accommodation option and how to open a bank account in the new country.

6. Your child belongs to a bigger family with IDP

IDP will be a second family to your child. Our support doesn’t end when your child is about to travel and start their course abroad. We are dedicated to ensuring they feel supported at every stage of their lifetime journey.

Through our free pre-departure support, we make sure that your son or daughter are well-prepared to start their life in the new country. Issues like dealing with home sickness, cultural shock and adapting to the new place are among the things we discuss with them before they leave home.

And after they arrive to the new country, we help them connect with other IDP students and alumni through welcome events to help them settle in.

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Create your profile and unlock a wide array of features including personalised recommendations, fast-tracked applications and much more.

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