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The Captain Tasos Politis Scholarship
At جامعة سيتى بلندن
United Kingdom
الدراسات العليا, الدراسة الجامعية
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المؤسسة المانحة
جامعة سيتى بلندنمتوسط طلبات التقديم في السنة
غير محدد
الدراسات العليا, الدراسة الجامعيةعدد الجوائز المتاحة
غير محدد
قيمة الجائزة
غير محدد
موعد بدء الدراسة المتاح
تواصل مع الجامعة
تفاصيل التمويل
This fully-funded scholarship is offered to support a successful candidate applying for The Novel Studio, City's popular Short Course on the art of novel writing.
الوضع الدراسي
غير محدد
وضع التسليم
غير محدد
الموعد النهائي لتقديم الطلبات للبرامج الدراسية/العروض
تواصل مع الجامعة
نوع التمويل
Free products/servicesتخصيص الجائزة
All eligible
جوانب أخرى في الاعتبار
Mature students
يمكن استخدام الجائزة ل
Tuition fees
الشرط المتعلق بالجنسين
الشرط المتعلق بالجنسية
البرنامج الدراسي الذي تتقدم للحصول عليه
الكتابة الإبداعية
أساس الاختيار
Financial need/hardship
معيار الاختيار
The name of the scholarship recipient and their course title will be shared with the donor.
The recipient will be required to submit a one page annual report at the end of the academic year which will be sent to the donor.
The recipient may be asked to provide a testimonial on the impact the scholarship has made.
To apply, please email the course director, Emily Pedder with:
- 2,000 words of your own fiction (short story or novel extract)
- Copy of CV
- Statement describing your financial situation and need and why the scholarship is sought
- Statement outlining your commitment to your development as a novel writer
- Please mark your email subject heading 'Novel Studio Scholarship'.
This fully funded scholarship is offered to support a successful candidate applying for The Novel Studio, City's popular Short Course on the art of novel writing.
Generously funded by City Alumni Ambassador George Politis, and named after his father, the aim of the scholarship is to support a student of talent and potential who might not otherwise be able to accept an offer of a place on The Novel Studio.
Applicants to the scholarship will go through the same process as all other applicants but will need to include a personal statement and provide evidence of financial need.
The top three applications will be shortlisted, and a final winner chosen by a panel, including the course director, and course tutors.
Eligibility criteria
Applications will be welcomed from those who:
- Have applied for The Novel Studio and met the criteria for selection
- Show exceptional talent and promise as emerging writers
- Are ordinarily resident in the UK
- Have submitted a statement describing their financial situation and need and why the scholarship is sought
- Have submitted a statement outlining their commitment to their development as a novel writer.
Employees of City, University of London are not eligible.
آخر موعد للتقديم:تواصل مع الجامعة
عملية تقديم الطلب:Separate application required
لمزيد من المعلومات حول جائزة التمويل، يمكنك زيارة صفحة المنح الدراسية الخاصة بالمؤسسة صفحة منح الجامعة
حساب واحد لكل احتياجاتك للدراسة في الخارج
قم بإنشاء ملفك الشخصي لتتمتع بمجموعة متنوعة من الميزات، بما في ذلك التوصيات الشخصية، وتسريع الطلبات، والمزيد.
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