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The British Standards Institution Scholarship for Artificial Intelligence & Computer Science
At University of Edinburgh
United Kingdom
Finansman türü
Other Discount
Son tarih
15 Apr 2025
Ödenek değeri
Burs hakkında
Ödenek veren kurum
University of EdinburghYıllık ortalama başvuru
LisansMevcut ödenek sayısı
Ödenek değeri
Uygun alım
Sep - 2025
Finansman detayları
Please contact the provider.
Eğitim modu
Full Time
Gönderim modu
Bölüm/teklif başvuru son tarihi
Üniversite ile iletişime geçin
Finansman türü
Other DiscountÖdenek tahsili
Dikkate alınan diğer hususlar
Income related
Ödenek şunlar için kullanılabilir
Tuition fees
Cinsiyet şartları
Uyruk şartları
Northern Ireland
Başvurduğunuz bölüm
Bilgisayar Bilimi
Enformasyon Sistemleri
Yapay Zeka
Yazılım Mühendisliği
Genel Fizik
Seçim esasları
Financial need/hardship
Seçim kriterleri
We will assess applications using the following:
Household income - Priority will be given to applicants whose household income is assessed as £23,999 or less. Applicants with a household income of between £24,000 and £33,900 may also apply.
Your application statement of between 600 and 900 words explaining:
What achievements, academically and/or personally, you are most proud of. This could include overcoming a challenging personal circumstance. There is no right or wrong answer, we are keen to hear your story.
Why the scholarship would be beneficial to your studies and how it would help you to achieve your academic goals.
How your education would be of future benefit to your community and/or society.
Other factors - We may consider any other personal or academic circumstances that could have influenced or impacted applicants in their education to date.
To be considered for this scholarship, you must:
- have one of the following categories of ethnicity: Black Caribbean Black African Black Other Mixed – White/Black Caribbean Mixed – White /Black African or Other mixed background that includes Caribbean heritage.
- Be starting a first undergraduate full time degree programme at the University of Edinburgh in the 2025-26 academic year.
- Have been assessed for fee status as a 'home' student (meaning that you ordinarily live in Scotland, England, Wales or Northern Ireland).
- Have a household income below £34,000 per annum.
All eligible applicants must complete our online enquiry form below by 23:59 (GMT) on Tuesday 15th of April 2025.
Forms submitted after this date will not be considered.
Shortly after completing the enquiry form you will receive a link to an online application form via email. Please complete the form and submit it by 23:59 (GMT) on Tuesday 22nd of April 2025.
We will not consider any applications received after this deadline date.
Burs son başvuru tarihi:15 Apr 2025
Başvuru süreci:Separate application required
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