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Huddersfield Business School Open Scholarship
At University of Huddersfield
United Kingdom
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장학금 내역
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Jan - 2025
자금 내역
This scholarship covers a full fee waiver for all successful applicants, and an annual stipend of £3,500 (FT PGRs), which is reduced to 50% (i.e., £1,750 annually) for PT PGRs.
스터디 모드
Part Time, Full Time
학업 모드
지정되지 않음
과정 신청 마감일
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자금 타입
Free products/services수여금 배정
All eligible
기타 고려 사항
Mature students
수여금은 다음에 사용할 수 있습니다.
Stipend, Tuition fees
성별 요구사항
국적 요건
All international
신청하는 과정 과목
선택 기준
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선정 기준
Successful candidates will be selected on a competitive basis following our selection procedure. They will be eligible to enrol on a research degree without any tuition fees for the standard registration period only. Fees will be waived for up to the first three years of full-time study for full-time postgraduate research candidates. Applicant fees will be waived for up to six years of part-time study.
The application process requires all applicants to provide a cover letter, a CV, a research proposal, an MSc mark transcript and two letters from referees which should all be received before the application closing date. Failure to provide supporting documents by the closing date will make candidates ineligible for consideration for the award of the HBS Open Scholarship.
The cover letter should set out reasons why applicants should be considered for this award. This should outline how the proposed research and outcomes from the research would contribute to one of Huddersfield Business School's research themes or subject specialisms, and the qualities that an applicant would bring to enable them to contribute to the research communities within Huddersfield Business School.
The research proposal should include the following:
- Proposed title indicating relevant areas of research
- An introduction to the topic or area of the proposed research
- Review of previous work within this field of research
- Aims and objectives of the research
- Methodology and proposed data
- List of references
This scholarship covers a full fee waiver for all successful applicants, and an annual stipend of £3,500 (FT PGRs), which is reduced to 50% (i.e., £1,750 annually) for PT PGRs. The stipend is subject to PGR candidates making satisfactory academic progress and engaging fully with the research programme.
Successful candidates will be selected on a competitive basis following our selection procedure. They will be eligible to enrol on a research degree without any tuition fees for the standard registration period only. Fees will be waived for up to the first three years of full-time study for full-time postgraduate research candidates. Applicant fees will be waived for up to six years of part-time study.
The scholarship will not apply to any research undertaken outside of this standard registration period, including any write-up period.
- Successful applicants are required to undertake their research degree on a full-time basis or part-time basis.
- They are also required to contribute up to 6 hours of teaching-related activities per week (subject to a maximum of 270 hours per year), subject to successful completion of the Teaching Assistant Preparation Programme (TAPP) and other necessary training.
Complete our online research degree application form to apply. Please make it clear on your application that you wish to be considered for our HBS Open Scholarship.
장학금 신청마감일:대학과 연락하기
입학 지원 절차:Separate application required
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