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Aziz Shallwani Memorial Award for Black and Indigenous Students
At University of Waterloo
자금 타입
Fee waiver/discount
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자금 내역
Up to CAN $1,650
스터디 모드
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학업 모드
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과정 신청 마감일
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자금 타입
Fee waiver/discount수여금 배정
기타 고려 사항
Academic excellence
수여금은 다음에 사용할 수 있습니다.
Tuition fees
성별 요구사항
국적 요건
All international
신청하는 과정 과목
소프트웨어 공학
토목 공학과
전기 공학
로봇 공학과 메카트로닉스
환경 공학
다른 관련된 엔지니어링
선택 기준
Academic excellence
선정 기준
Eligibility & selection criteria:
limited to Black or Indigenous students
academic excellence
Admission Information Form (AIF)
online video interview
Selection is based on the application statement who can best demonstrate the impact this award will have on their pursuit of post-secondary studies
An award, valued at up to CAN $1,650, will be provided annually to a Black or Indigenous undergraduate student entering Year One of any program in the Faculty of Engineering. For the purpose of this scholarship, an Indigenous person is a person who self identifies as First Nations (Status/Non-Status), Metis and/or Inuit. Selection will be based on a combination of academic achievement, the Admission Information Form (AIF), the online video interview, as well as an application statement wherein students are asked to describe the impact this award will have on their pursuit of post-secondary studies. This fund was established by family and friends of Aziz Shallwani (BASc '00) to honour his memory and to support diversity and inclusion among the next generation of Waterloo engineering students.
Complete the applicable online entrance award application.
Select the correct form, based on your identity:
Application for Entrance Awards Designated to Black Students
Application for Entrance Awards Designated to Indigenous Students
Application deadline: April 15
장학금 신청마감일:대학과 연락하기
입학 지원 절차:Separate application required
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