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Princeton University Press Scholarship
At Oxford Brookes University
Vị trí
United Kingdom
Trình độ chuyên môn
Hình thức tài trợ
Fee waiver/discount
Hạn chót
Liên hệ với trường đại học
Giá trị học bổng
2000 GBP
Thông tin về học bổng
Trường cung cấp học bổng
Oxford Brookes UniversitySố hồ sơ ứng tuyển trung bình mỗi năm
Không được chỉ định
Trình độ chuyên môn
PostgraduateSố lượng học bổng có sẵn
Giá trị học bổng
2000 GBP
Áp dụng cho kỳ nhập học
Jan - 2025
Chi tiết học bổng
Award value: £2,000
Hình thức học tập
Full Time, Part Time
Hình thức tài trợ
Không được chỉ định
Hạn chót đăng ký khóa học/ưu đãi
Liên hệ với trường đại học
Hình thức tài trợ
Fee waiver/discountPhân bổ học bổng
Các khía cạnh khác được cân nhắc
Academic excellence
Học bổng / Ưu đãi được sử dụng cho
Tuition fees
Yêu cầu về giới tính
Yêu cầu về quốc tịch
All international
Môn học bạn đang đăng ký
Cơ sở lựa chọn
Academic excellence
Tiêu chí lựa chọn
The scholarships will be awarded on a competitive basis of academic merit and applications are assessed in relation to:
- academic merit
- how the applicant's chosen degree programme relates to their career ambitions
- personal development explaining why the applicant believes they are deserving of the scholarship
Selection Process
The Scholarship Committee of the Faculty of Technology, Design and Environment will be responsible for the allocation of the scholarships identified in this leaflet. The decision of the Committee in awarding the scholarships is final and the Committee will not enter into discussion regarding decisions.
When allocating awards, the Scholarship Committee will take account of:
applicant's performance in examinations and other formal assessments at first degree level. (In the case of final year undergraduates, the Committee will take into consideration the applicant's expected results, as indicated by their referees. (Conditional offers of scholarships will only be confirmed if applicants achieve satisfactory results.)
work experience and professional qualifications, if appropriate
applicant's personal statements about their intended programme of study and their reasons and purposes for undertaking it. This is an important part of the application, and the Committee will pay particular attention to what applicants write in their personal statements.
references supporting the applicant's programme applications
supporting statements from programme tutors to which the applicant has applied, where applicable.
A reserve list may be drawn up in case any of the selected applicants do not take up the offer of a scholarship. The Committee will also monitor student progress, in the case of part-time scholarships awarded for two years.
Applicants must already have accepted, by the time of application, a conditional or unconditional offer of a place to start the course in September 2024 or January 2025. Applicants for the Scholarship must submit by email a cv and a 500-word rationale for their application for the Scholarship. Applicants are asked to detail any further funding sources they are applying for, and to indicate how they intend to pay for the remainder of their fees and maintenance costs.
Applicants failing to comply with these procedures will not be considered for the scholarship.
Princeton University Press is offering a fee-waiver bursary of £2,000 to a full-time or part-time student at the Oxford International Centre for Publishing on the MA in Publishing Media, MA in Publishing, or MA in Digital Publishing. The student will also receive the guarantee of a work placement for a minimum of three weeks at the Press's offices in Oxford.
The scholarship, open to all students, will be awarded on the basis of a considered explanation of what the master's course will contribute to the student's learning and career development. Consideration will also be given to the background of the applicant so applicants should provide a short statement about their family or financial circumstances so we may better understand your need for support.
Students may apply for this scholarship alongside other sources of funding (including other scholarships offered through Oxford Brookes University), but these must be detailed on the application. The Scholarship will not include a maintenance grant. Applicants who are successful in receiving awards from other sources of funding which cover their tuition fees will not be eligible for the Scholarship, and must inform the Programme Administrator. Eligibility will not be affected by funding covering maintenance costs. The Scholarship cannot be transferred to maintenance costs.
This funding is available to students studying on the following courses:
Publishing Media
Applications must be made through the appropriate google form.
No late applications will be accepted.
Hạn chót trao thưởng:Liên hệ với trường đại học
Quy trình nộp đơn:Separate application required
Để biết thêm thông tin về giải thưởng tài trợ này, bạn có thể truy cập trang học bổng của trường Trang học bổng của trường
Các sự kiện sắp tới
Các học bổng tương tự khác
- United Kingdom
- DEADLINE: 05 Nov 2025
- Hình thức hỗ trợ: Fee waiver/discount
- United Kingdom
- Hình thức hỗ trợ: Fee waiver/discount
- United Kingdom
- Hình thức hỗ trợ: Fee waiver/discount
- United Kingdom
- DEADLINE: 31 Jul 2025
- Hình thức hỗ trợ: Cash
- United Kingdom
- Hình thức hỗ trợ: Fee waiver/discount
- United Kingdom
- Hình thức hỗ trợ: Cash
- United Kingdom
- DEADLINE: 06 Jan 2025
- Hình thức hỗ trợ: Fee waiver/discount
- United Kingdom
- Hình thức hỗ trợ: Fee waiver/discount
- United Kingdom
- Hình thức hỗ trợ: Fee waiver/discount
- United Kingdom
- Hình thức hỗ trợ: Fee waiver/discount
- United Kingdom
- Hình thức hỗ trợ: Fee waiver/discount
- United Kingdom
- Hình thức hỗ trợ: Fee waiver/discount
- United Kingdom
- Hình thức hỗ trợ: Fee waiver/discount
- United Kingdom
- DEADLINE: 30 Apr 2025
- Hình thức hỗ trợ: Free products/services
- United Kingdom
- DEADLINE: 13 Apr 2025
- Hình thức hỗ trợ: Fee waiver/discount