Getting started is half the time finishing. We have listed 7 ways to start your presentation.
United Kingdom
Choosing a university that offers undergraduate scholarships might be a major deciding factor if you're not sure which course to apply for, so it's vital to find out if the university you're applying to offers any kind of scholarship.
New Zealand
Pathway courses or foundation programs are specially designed to prepare international students for education in New Zealand universities. Learn more!
United States
Want to work while you are in the USA? Here's how.
Did you know Australian universities fall under various categories? These include ATN, Go8, 1960s-1970s, New generation and Regional universities. Learn all about the different types of universities in Australia.
Why take IELTS with IDP? IDP offers several free review materials, use of wireless headphones, and administers the test in many locations.
United Kingdom
The student visa process has many steps and this article will help you review them and find success in your application process.
United States
Discover how to get your university application successful using the top 7 tips to increase your chances of getting admitted.
New Zealand
Earn while you study. Read more information about Emplyoment in New Zealand.