
Expand your IELTS Vocabulary – Environment 


Welcome back to our blog series on expanding your IELTS vocabulary! If you’ve missed our previous posts, you can find them here:

Post 1: Expanding your IELTS Vocabulary - Education

Post 2: Expanding your IELTS Vocabulary - Transportation

Today’s theme is the environment. Just as with our previous posts, we’ll be looking at how to create relevant vocabulary sets on the topic in order to improve your vocabulary for your IELTS. So let’s get started!

Vocabulary sets related to the environment 

As you may already know by now, the environment is a very popular IELTS theme. It is particularly common in Speaking Part 3, where you’re expected to discuss the topic in a more general way and in greater depth. Likewise, you could be asked to write about environmental issues in Writing Task 2. Here, you might have to identify causes for specific environmental problems, suggest solutions, predict consequences and/or give your opinion on the subject in a discussion. Below are three sub-topics related to the environment, each containing words or phrases that you can use to elaborate your answers in both the Speaking and Writing modules of the test: 

1. Nature

Insert the table

2. Environmental problems 

Insert table

3. Protecting the environment 

Insert the table

Idioms related to the environment 

Insert the table

Finally, keep in mind that the topic of the environment often goes hand in hand with other common IELTS themes, such as transportation. This increases the chances of having to discuss environmental issues to some extent at some point during the test. It is important that you’re able to determine when you’re being asked to connect topics, in order to use this vocabulary in a flexible way.

Keep checking our blog for our next IELTS vocabulary theme - travel!

By Andrea Castro



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