ทำไมต้องไปเรียนต่อกับ IDP


Address: Harbiye Mah.Cumhuriyet Cad. Kahan Apt No:40 K:4 34367 Şişli/İstanbul

This privacy notice is prepared by IDP EDUCATİON DANIŞMANLIK VE EĞİTİM HİZMETLERİ LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ (“Company”) to inform our visitors, customers, potential service recipients, employee candidates, employees, business partners, platform users and other natural persons, including third parties, regarding the personal data we process within the scope of our IELTS exam preparation training and our activities for Company purposes in accordance with Personal Data Protection Law No.6698 (“KVKK”) and related legislation.

Which of your Personal Data is Collected and What Is Our Purpose to Collect Personal Data?

We collect your personal data specified below as part of our company activities:

  1. Identity Information
  2. Contact Information
  3. Location Information
  4. Transaction Security Information
  5. Information of Family Members
  6. Authentication, Security and Tracking Information
  7. Financial Information
  8. Personnel Information
  9. Education Information
  10. Personal Data of Special Nature
  11. Other Personal Data

Data Category

Identity Information


Data related to the identification of a person.

Data Subject

Identity information is collected from our employee candidates, employees, customers, potential service recipients, platform users, Business Partners and visitors.


Name, surname, gender, Turkish ID number, nationality, marital status, date of birth, place of birth, passport number, license number, vehicle license information, identity card / ID copy, license copy, passport copy etc.

The Purpose of Collecting Data

The identity information of our employee candidates is collected in order to carry out human resources activities for the position applied.

The identity information of our employees is collected within the scope of our obligations arising from the labor and social security, tax legislation etc.

We collect our customers' identity information in accordance with the legislation we are subject to, and to provide support services, to meet our obligations arising from commercial requirements and laws, and to meet our obligations in contracts, for audit processes and for security purposes.

We collect identity information of our platform users to fulfill our legal obligations.

We collect the identity information of our visitors in order to ensure security at the entrance and exit of the building and due to the service relationship that can be established in the future.

We collect the identity information of our Business Partners in order to provide support service, in accordance with the legislation we are subject to, to fulfill our obligations arising from commercial requirements, laws and contracts, such as invoicing, audit processes, joint business follow-up.

Legal Reason of Collection of Personal Data

The main reason for collecting such data is the obligations in the relevant legislation.

In addition, we collect identity information due to the contractual relationship with related data subjects.

We sometimes collect identification information in accordance with our legitimate interests and our Company principles.

The Method of Collection of Personal Data

We collect the data via hard copy forms, or directly through in-house electronic common areas and electronic devices.

Data Category

Contact Information


Personal data that enables communication with the person.

Data Subject

Contact Information is collected from our employee candidates, employees, customers, potential service recipients, platform users, Business Partners and visitors.


E-mail address, residence address, postal address, business address, workplace name and title, home phone number, mobile phone number, other phone and fax number etc.

The Purpose of Collecting Data

The contact information of our employee candidates is collected in order to carry out human resources activities for the position applied.


The contact information of our employees is collected within the scope of our obligations arising from the labor and social security, tax legislation etc.

We collect our customers' contact information in accordance with the legislation we are subject to, and to provide support services, to meet our obligations arising from commercial requirements and laws, and to meet our obligations in contracts, for audit processes and for security purposes.

We collect contact information of our platform users to fulfill our legal obligations.

We collect the contact information of our visitors in order to ensure security at the entrance and exit of the building and due to the service relationship that can be established in the future.

We collect the contact information of our Business Partners in order to provide support service, in accordance with the legislation we are subject to, to fulfill our obligations arising from commercial requirements, laws and contracts, such as invoicing, audit processes, joint business follow-up.

Legal Reason of Collection of Personal Data

The main reason for collecting such data is the obligations in the relevant legislation.

In addition, we collect contact information due to the contractual relationship with related data subjects.

We sometimes collect contact information in accordance with our legitimate interests and our Company principles.

The Method of Collection of Personal Data

We collect the data via hard copy forms, or directly through in-house electronic common areas and electronic devices.

Data Category

Location Information


The location of the person.

Data Subject

Location Information is collected from our employee candidates, employees, customers, potential service recipients, platform users, Business Partners and visitors.


Information of Home address, business address, Country, City, Zip Code or Town etc.

The Purpose of Collecting Data

The location information of our employee candidates is collected in order to carry out human resources activities for the position applied.


The location information of our employees is collected within the scope of our obligations arising from the labor and social security, tax legislation etc.

The location information of costumers is collected in accordance with the legislation we are subject to, and to provide support services, to meet our obligations arising from commercial requirements and laws, and to meet our obligations in contracts, for audit processes and for security purposes.

The location information of our platform users is collected to fulfill our legal obligations.

The location information of our visitors is collected to ensure security at the entrance and exit of the building and due to the service relationship that can be established in the future.

The contact information of our Business Partners is collected in order to provide support service, in accordance with the legislation we are subject to, to fulfill our obligations arising from commercial requirements, laws and contracts, such as invoicing, audit processes, joint business follow-up.

Legal Reason of Collection of Personal Data

The main reason for collecting such data is the obligations in the relevant legislation.

In addition, we collect location information due to the contractual relationship with related data subjects.

We sometimes collect contact information in accordance with our legitimate interests and our Company principles.

The Method of Collection of Personal Data

We collect the data via hard copy forms, or directly through in-house electronic common areas and electronic devices.

Data Category

Transaction Security Information


Data processed to ensure our technical, administrative, legal and commercial security while conducting our commercial activities.

Data Subject

Transaction Security Information is collected from our employees, customers, potential service recipients, platform users.


IP address, Login / Username and web cookies etc.

The Purpose of Collecting Data

We collect Transaction Security Information of our employees within the scope of business execution and information security.

We collect our customers' Transaction Security Information to perform IELTS exam service, for exam processes and for security purposes.

We collect Transaction Security Information of our Platform users to fulfill our legal obligations.

Legal Reason of Collection of Personal Data

The main reason for collecting such data is the obligations in the relevant legislation and the execution of the business.

In addition, we collect Transaction Security Information due to the contractual relationship with related data subjects.

We sometimes collect contact information in accordance with our legitimate interests and our Company principles.

The Method of Collection of Personal Data

We collect the data via hard copy forms, or directly through in-house electronic common areas and electronic devices.

Data Category

Information of Family Members


Personal data of the family members of the person concerned.

Data Subject

Personal data of the family members is collected from our employees and customers.


Family members' name, surname, gender, Turkish ID number, marital status information, number of children, education information, income and financial information, contact information, photocopy of marriage certificate, birth certificate of children, sample of the registered population etc.

The Purpose of Collecting Data

Information of Family Members of customers is collected within the scope of our obligations arising from the labor and social security, tax legislation etc.

We collect our Information of Family Members of customers in accordance with the legislation we are subject to, and to provide support services, to meet our obligations arising from commercial requirements and laws, and to meet our obligations in contracts, for audit processes and for security purposes.

Legal Reason of Collection of Personal Data

The main reason for collecting such data is the obligations in the relevant legislation.

In addition, we collect Information of Family Members due to the contractual relationship with related data subjects.

We sometimes collect Information of Family Members in accordance with our legitimate interests, our Company principles and for the purposes such as contact in case an emergency.

The Method of Collection of Personal Data

We collect the data via hard copy forms, or directly through in-house electronic common areas and electronic devices.

Data Category

Authentication, Security and Tracking Information


The passwords of the person, CCTV Records, Physical Access and Entry-Exit Records etc.

Data Subject

Authentication, Security and Tracking Information is collected from our customers, employees and visitors.


Data collected within the scope of Authentication, Security and Tracking Information is the passwords of the person's, CCTV Records, Physical Access and Entry / Exit Records and audiovisual recordings etc.

The Purpose of Collecting Data

We collect Authentication, Security and Tracking Information of our employees within the scope of our obligations arising from the labor and social security, tax legislation etc. and within the scope of advertising and marketing and security matters.

We collect Authentication, Security and Tracking Information of our customers to fulfill our obligations in contracts, for advertising and marketing purposes, for audit processes and for security purposes.

We collect Authentication, Security and Tracking Information of our visitors for advertising and marketing purposes, audit processes and security.

Legal Reason of Collection of Personal Data

The main reason for collecting such data is the contractual relationship between the data subject.

We sometimes collect Authentication, Security and Tracking Information in accordance with our legitimate interests, our Company principles and for the purposes such as advertising, marketing, security etc.

The Method of Collection of Personal Data

We collect the data via hard copy forms, or directly through in-house electronic common areas and electronic devices.

Data Category

Financial Information


Bank account information, credit card information, billing information.

Data Subject

Financial Information is collected from our customers and employees.


Bank account information, bank card information, credit card information, signature circular, income information, payroll information, minimum income discount information, information about disabled taxpayers, salary foreclosures.

The Purpose of Collecting Data

Financial Information of our employees is collected within the scope of our obligations arising from the labor and social security, tax legislation etc.

Financial Information of our employees is collected in accordance with the legislation we are subject to, and to provide support services, to meet our obligations arising from commercial requirements and laws, and to meet our obligations in contracts, for audit processes and for security purposes.

Legal Reason of Collection of Personal Data

The main reason for collecting such data is the obligations in the relevant legislation.

In addition, we collect financial information due to the contractual relationship with related data subjects.

We sometimes collect Financial Information in accordance with our legitimate interests, our Company principles and for the purposes such as to include our employees in campaigns or promotions provided by banks or other financial institutions with which we cooperate.

The Method of Collection of Personal Data

We collect the data via hard copy forms, or directly through in-house electronic common areas and electronic devices.

Data Category

Personnel Information


It is the necessary information to maintain an employment relationship without any problem.

Data Subject

Personnel Information is collected from our employee candidates and employees.


Position / title information, diplomas and certificates, work experience and details, resumes, education information, SSI recruitment declaration, SSI resignation declaration, blood group, medical report, criminal record, disability report, ex-convict report, administrative and annual leave information, other health reports, photo, video, insurance data, military status information etc.

The Purpose of Collecting Data

Personnel Information of our employee candidates is collected in order to carry out human resources activities for the position applied.

Personnel Information of our employees is collected within the scope of our obligations arising from the labor and social security, tax legislation etc. and employment contract signed with data subject and for our legitimate interests.

Legal Reason of Collection of Personal Data

The main reason for collecting such data is the obligations in the relevant legislation.

In addition, we collect Personnel Information due to the contractual relationship with related data subjects.

We sometimes collect Personnel Information in accordance with our legitimate interests, our Company principles and for the purposes such as placing employees in appropriate position.

The Method of Collection of Personal Data

We collect the data via hard copy forms, or directly through in-house electronic common areas and electronic devices.

Data Category

Education Information


It is the necessary information for the smooth delivery of the service to be provided within the scope of the contractual relationship.

Data Subject

Education Information is collected from our customers, employee candidates and employees.


Position / title information, diplomas and certificates, work experience and details, resumes, education information, SSI recruitment declaration, SSI resignation declaration, blood group, medical report, criminal record, disability report, ex-convict report, administrative and annual leave information, other health reports, photo, video, insurance data, military status information etc.

The Purpose of Collecting Data

We collect Education Information of our customers to fulfill our obligations in contracts, for advertising and marketing purposes, for audit processes and for security purposes.

Financial Information of our employees is collected in accordance with the legislation we are subject to, and to provide support services, to meet our obligations arising from commercial requirements and laws, and to meet our obligations in contracts, for advertising and marketing purposes, for audit processes and for security purposes.

Legal Reason of Collection of Personal Data

The main reason for collecting such data is the obligations in the relevant legislation.

In addition, we collect education information due to the contractual relationship with related data subjects.

The Method of Collection of Personal Data

We collect the data via hard copy forms, or directly through in-house electronic common areas and electronic devices.

Data Category

Personal Data of Special Nature


It is the necessary information for the smooth delivery of the service to be provided within the scope of the contractual relationship.

Data Subject

Personal Data of Special Nature is collected from our customers, employee candidates and employees.


Religion/believe information, health-related data, criminal record information, biometric data.

The Purpose of Collecting Data

We collect Personal Data of Special Nature of our customers to fulfill our obligations in contracts and for security purposes.

Personal Data of Special Nature of our employees and employee candidates is collected in accordance with the legislation we are subject to and for security purposes.

Legal Reason of Collection of Personal Data

The main reason for collecting such data is the obligations in the relevant legislation.

In addition, we collect Personal Data of Special Nature due to the contractual relationship with related data subjects and ensuring security.

The Method of Collection of Personal Data

We collect the data via hard copy forms, or directly through in-house electronic common areas and electronic devices.

Data Category

Other Personal Data


Other data collected within the scope of our business activities. 

Data Subject

Those Data is collected from our customers.


Exam result, Letter of Reference and Motivation Letter etc.

The Purpose of Collection of Personal Data

This kind of information of our customers is collected for the purpose of the service we provide within the scope of the contractual relationship between data subject.

Legal Reason of Collection of Personal Data

We collect Other Information in accordance with our Company principles and for the purposes such as enhancing quality of the service

The Method of Collection of Personal Data

We collect the data via hard copy forms, or directly through in-house electronic common areas and electronic devices.

Do We Transfer Your Personal Data to a Third Party?

Due to domestic legal regulation, identity information, contact information and many other personal data listed above; shared periodically with institutions and persons expressly authorized in the legislation and with legal authorities upon the request of them.

It is also shared with a person or an institution in accordance with a court decision or upon request of an administrative authority.

The information collected through online registration forms provided at events or conferences, such as name or e-mail address, may be shared with event or conference sponsors for marketing purposes with the permission of the data subject.

Apart from this, your personal data shared limitedly with Business Partners and national and international Suppliers (Financial Consultants, Visa Assistance Companies, Insurance Companies, Transfer and Accommodation Companies) official institutions (Universities, Consulates, other service providers etc.) for the performance of the service and fulfillment of contractual obligations.

 Do We Transfer Your Personal Data Abroad?

Your personal data could be transferred abroad only if;

  • We have your open consent or,
  • There is sufficient protection in the country where the data will be transferred and when other conditions regulated in KVKK are met or,
  • If there is permission of Personal Data Protection Board ("Board") and commitment of adequate protection by the country the data will be transferred and that there is not enough protection.

Despite the fact that there are cases in the KVKK and there is not enough protection in the country to be transferred, it can be transferred abroad in the presence of one of the situations in which there is permission of the relevant country and the Personal Data Protection Board ("Board").

Some IDP Education, IT systems and data host servers in countries outside Australia or the UK, and your information may be sent to one of these servers as part of our activities.

IDP Education can store the data it receives to the following countries (in addition to Turkey) may send:

  • Australia
  • United Kingdom
  • Germany
  • India
  • Singapore
  • Hong Kong
  • Ireland
  • United States

This information is stored and accessed only as necessary to provide our services. In cases where we transmit the data to overseas servers, the data is subject to usage restrictions and security measures against unauthorized access.

The information transmitted to overseas buyers consists of the information you provide to us to provide related services. With your express consent for this privacy notice, you agree to give us your personal information to the relevant overseas buyers mentioned above. IDP Education takes the necessary steps to ensure that adequate measures are taken to transfer your personal information, including standard protection provisions in its contracts and the IDP Group Data Transfer contract.

In order to provide IELTS exam service, information disclosed to overseas buyers can also be transferred to other IELTS partners (British Council and Cambridge). These recipients are subject to the Data Protection Act because they are UK-based legal entities. Data transferred to overseas buyers is subject to usage restrictions and security measures against unauthorized access.

How Long Is Your Personal Data Stored?

The retention period of your personal data is as follows:

  • If a period has been set for the data to be stored in the law or related legislation, the said data must be kept at least for this period. The period of data retention is determined by adding a period of 6 months to 1 year for the retention of your data, by considering the possibilities of a possible court request or an administrative authority authorized by law, such as the request for the relevant data, arriving late or a dispute to which we may be a party. At the end of the specified period, the said data are deleted.
  • If a time period is not foreseen in the legislation for the retention period of the data we process, your data will be stored as a requirement of the relationship between us and for the period determined in the contract signed with you. Your data will be deleted, destroyed or anonymized without any request after this relationship has ended or after the time specified in the contract has passed.
  • If you request that the data, whose retention period is specified in the legislation, be deleted before the foreseen periods, your request will not be fulfilled.
  • If you request the deletion of your data, which is not foreseen in the legislation regarding the retention period and is not intended for processing, will be deleted immediately or within 6 months at the latest.

What Are Your Rights You Can Use Regarding Your Personal Data?

You have the following rights regarding your personal data:

  • Learning whether your personal data has been processed,
  • Requesting information if your personal data has been processed,
  • Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose,
  • Knowing the third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred domestically or abroad,
  • Requesting correction of your personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed,
  • Requesting the deletion or destruction of your personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in the KVKK legislation,
  • When you request the correction of missing or incorrect data and your personal data to be deleted or destroyed, to request this to be notified to third parties to whom we transfer your personal data,
  • Objection to the result in case of a result against you by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems and
  • Requesting the removal of this damage if you suffer damage due to illegal processing of personal data.

How Can You Use Your Rights?

Any requests related to your personal data can be;

  • sended to the Company address of Harbiye Mah. Cumhuriyet Cad. Kahan Apt No:40 K:4 34367 Şişli/İstanbulwith a valid identity document, through a written petition with a wet signature
  • directed to company by applying in person with a valid identity document, through a written petition with a wet signature,
  • sended to the e-mail address of sizidinliyoruz@idp.com from the e-mail address which was previously notified to the Company by the relevant person or registered in the Company's system.

Pursuant to the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of Application to the Data Supervisor, the name, surname, signature if the application is written, Identification number of Republic of Turkey (passport number if the applicant is foreigner), residence or workplace address based on notification, e-mail address, telephone number and fax number, if any, and information related to the request must be found.

The Person concerned must clearly and clearly state what is requested in the application, which includes explanations regarding the right to do and requests to use the rights mentioned above. Information and documents related to the application must be attached to the application.

Although the subject of the request must be related to the applicant's person, if acting on behalf of someone else, the applicant must have a special authority in this regard and this authority must be documented (special power of attorney). In addition, the application must contain identification and address information and authenticating documents must be attached to the application.

Requests made by unauthorized third parties on behalf of someone else will not be considered.

How soon are your requests regarding the processing of your personal data answered?

Your claims regarding your personal data are evaluated and answered within 30 days at the latest after they are received. In case of negative evaluation of your application, the reasons for rejection will be sent to the address you specified in the application by one of the methods selected in the Contact Person Application Form, primarily via e-mail or mail.

เพียงแค่ 1 บัญชีสำหรับการไปเรียนต่อต่างประเทศ

สร้างโปรไฟล์พร้อมทั้งปลดล็อกคุณสมบัติต่าง ๆ มากมาย รวมถึงคำแนะนำแบบส่วนตัว แอปพลิเคชันที่ติดตามได้อย่างรวดเร็ว และอื่น ๆ อีกมากมาย


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