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Focusing on studies: Making the most of your time abroad

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Focusing on studies: Making the most of your time abroad

When you move to a new country for studies, there are lots of things to figure out and navigate which can bring an array of emotions and challenges. But guess what? Those initial adjustment hiccups will soon be a thing of the past, and before you know it, you'll be comfortably settling into your routine, confidently kicking your study goals—because this is exactly why you're here! Here's a little guide to help you get into the study zone and do your best while you're on this exciting adventure.

Find a good study spot

Pick a place where you can study without too many distractions. It could be a quiet corner in your room or a cozy spot in a library. Having your special study space helps your brain know it's time to focus.

Take it step by step

Make your study tasks smaller and doable. When you set little goals, it makes the big workload feel much easier. Plus, you get to celebrate each time you finish something! 

Make a daily plan

Having a plan for each day helps you know what's coming and makes everything less confusing. Try doing things at the same time every day to create a routine that works for you.

Study with friends

Meeting new people who are in the same boat as you can be fun! Try studying with friends or joining group study sessions. It can make studying more interesting and help you focus better. 

Use cool apps to stay orgnaised

There are lots of apps that can help you keep everything in order. You can use them to remember when your assignments are due or to plan your study times. It's like having a little helper in your pocket! 

Take care of yourself

If you ever start missing home or feel a bit overwhelmed, it's totally okay. Take breaks, do things you enjoy, and make sure to take care of yourself. A happy you is a focused you! 

Talk to our counsellors

If you ever feel a bit stuck or need some help, talk to the friendly counsellors at IDP. They know a lot about studying abroad and can help you with anything you need. 

Studying in a new place is a big adventure, and you're here to learn and have fun. Try these tips, and don't forget to enjoy this awesome time in your life! 

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