f you want to combine your studies in journalism, film and media arts, or public relations and strategic communication with a concentration in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Russian, or Spanish, the bachelor of arts in Communication, Language, and Culture may be just what you're seeking. This interdisciplinary degree, offered jointly by the School of Communication and the Department of World Languages and Cultures in the College of Arts and Sciences, allows you to learn from world-class faculty members whose cutting-edge research activities and professional engagements play key roles in global policy development. Communication, Language, and Culture students come from across the country and around the world, bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience that further enrich your learning experience.
The World is Your Classroom
If you want to combine your studies in journalism, film and media arts, or public relations and strategic communication with a concentration in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Russian, or Spanish, the bachelor of arts in Communication, Language, and Culture may be just what you're seeking.
This interdisciplinary degree, offered jointly by the School of Communication and the Department of World Languages and Cultures in the College of Arts and Sciences, allows you to learn from world-class faculty members whose cutting-edge research activities and professional engagements play key roles in global policy development. Communication, Language, and Culture students come from across the country and around the world, bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience that further enrich your learning experience.
Program tracks can be designed in various configurations as you combine your chosen world language with Journalism, Public Relations and Strategic Communication, or Film and Media Arts.
More than three-quarters of our students take advantage of study abroad opportunities offered through AU Abroad, studying at one of AU's Premier International Centers in Belgium (AU Brussels), Kenya (AU Nairobi), or Spain (AU Madrid) or at one of the myriad programs offered at host institutions in Italy, Denmark, England, Ireland, Wales, India, Korea, the Czech Republic, Australia, Spain, or Japan.