The U.S. history program has a long tradition of excellence in research and teaching, with many of its faculty having won prizes for their publications and pedagogy. A close-knit group of ten faculty with broad, overlapping interests, they combine the sensibilities of social history with the insights of cultural history, producing fine-grained studies of lived experience and devoting particular attention to Americans on the margins of the dominant society. In their research and pedagogical endeavors, they share a commitment to interdisciplinarity and transnational approaches. While the Americanists train graduate students in all periods, from the colonial era to the turn of the twenty-first century, they have particular strengths in Early America and the Atlantic World, the economic and legal history of the nineteenth century, and the post-1945 period. The Americanists also work with faculty working in other geographic regions, as well as with faculty in American Studies, to strengthen comparative and transnational approaches. Major thematic strengths include the history of capitalism, political and legal history, the history of civil rights, and the history of domestic and foreign policy. Americanist faculty and their graduate students are currently working in a range of subfields: material culture studies, the history of science, technology, and the environment, the history of social, political, and cultural movements, comparative legal history, histories of children and childhood, the history of sexuality, U.S. in the world, with special emphasis on transnational Asian/American history and transnational labor history, history of education, the history of religion in America, and Native American history.