Nestled within the bustling heart of North Sydney, the newly established Charles Sturt University Sydney campus promises an immersive and enriching academic journey amidst the captivating backdrop of this renowned harbor city, which proudly holds the 9 spot on the QS World University Ranking for student-friendly cities. Here, students have the opportunity to delve into Business, Accounting, or IT studies with the premier university known for its exceptional graduate employment rates, leading the nation in undergraduate starting salaries and securing a spot in the top 10 for postgraduate starting salaries. Embark on your educational voyage supported by state-of-the-art facilities and a faculty renowned for academic excellence, ensuring you receive the guidance needed to carve out a successful career path while forging lifelong connections and cherished memories. Beyond the confines of academia, Charles Sturt University Sydney invites individuals to discover their purpose and contribute to the creation of a world that fosters meaningful existence. As Australias largest regional university, Charles Sturt University boasts a rich history dating back to 1895, culminating in its full university incorporation in 1989. In honoring First Nation wisdom, the university embraces the Wiradjuri phrase yindyamarra winhanganha as its guiding principle, signifying a deep reverence for the wisdom of living harmoniously in a world of value. At the forefront of sustainability initiatives, the university achieved the notable distinction of becoming Australias first certified carbon-neutral university in 2016, exemplifying its steadfast dedication to forging a brighter and more sustainable future for all.