DePaul's Women's and Gender Studies MA program emphasizes critical theory and analysis in examining women's lives, conditions and contributions within their historical, social, cultural, national and transnational contexts. Take a critical look at how gender, race, class and other systems of power are constructed in society.
The MA in Women's and Gender Studies offers a cutting edge curriculum that focuses on the interconnectedness of local, global, and transnational feminist theories, methodologies, research, public policies, and social movements, attends to interlocking systems of oppression and privilege--gender, race, sexuality, class, nation--to address issues of power, resistance, and social transformation, connects feminist theories to activism and social justice, and engages communities through research, advocacy, and service.
Women's Studies and Gender Studies are complementary interdisciplinary fields whose research, scholarship, and creative activities examine women's lives, conditions, and contributions within their historical, social, cultural, national, and transnational contexts and explore how gender is constructed and negotiated within and across societies. Women's and men's identities and experiences are examined through the constructs of gender, race, class, sexuality, age, ability, culture, religion, nation etc. within broader historical, social, and global contexts, such as colonialism and globalization, among others.
Through feminist and gender-based theories and methodologies, the Department of Women's and Gender Studies offers critical analyses, reflections, and contributions to knowledge regarding interlocking systems of oppression and privilege, thereby addressing issues of power, resistance and social transformation. In addition, the emphasis on critical theory and analysis allows for work that interrogates feminist discourses as well as those of other disciplines in the arts, humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. By crossing the boundaries of traditional fields of study, the department seeks to create new, coherent understandings of human experiences. For more information, contact Dr. Sanjukta Mukherjee, Graduate Director.