Transportation is essential to the function of cities and the well-being of their residents. Transportation systems make the exchange of goods and services possible, and they help shape the form of the built urban environment. The ways we design and use the transportation system affect all other aspects of planning, from the environment to housing and community development to health and land use development. Transportation planners draw on insights and tools from a variety of academic disciplines, including planning, geography, economics, public administration, engineering, and the design disciplines to examine, design, plan, and manage the multimodal transportation system in a way that is safe, efficient, effective, equitable, and sustainable. Transportation planning students take courses that enable them to work as professionals in a variety of contexts at all geographic scales, domestically and internationally. The curriculum covers all surface urban transportation modes: highway/automobile, public transit, pedestrian, and bicycling.
Transportation is essential to the function of cities and the well-being of their residents. Transportation systems make the exchange of goods and services possible, and they help shape the form of the built urban environment. The ways we design and use the transportation system affect all other aspects of planning, from the environment to housing and community development to health and land use development. Transportation planners draw on insights and tools from a variety of academic disciplines, including planning, geography, economics, public administration, engineering, and the design disciplines to examine, design, plan, and manage the multimodal transportation system in a way that is safe, efficient, effective, equitable, and sustainable. Transportation planning students take courses that enable them to work as professionals in a variety of contexts at all geographic scales, domestically and internationally. The curriculum covers all surface urban transportation modes: highway/automobile, public transit, pedestrian, and bicycling.