Education has been taught at Keele for over 50 years, studied from an international and multi-dimensional perspective, focused on its broader role and impact on individuals, communities and the world at large. Building on the success of our established MA in Education, the TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) pathway develops practical skills and techniques – such as classroom management and lesson planning – to support learners of English as an additional, second or foreign language. In addition to a Master's in Education, you will achieve the Trinity College (London) Certificate in TESOL, an internationally-recognised teacher training qualification.Course summaryOfficially spoken in over 60 countries, English remains the most common universal language in the world and there are an estimated 1.5 billion English language learners.With the English Language learning market predicted to hit 54.92 billion by 2027, our MA in Education with TESOL responds to growing demand for well-trained ESOL teachers.Reflecting recent education reforms, you will delve into language learning theory and teaching methods, drawing on expertise of our staff developed in a variety of different contexts and countries - with the opportunity to put your teaching into practice with our international students or members of the local community.In addition to a Master's degree, you'll have the opportunity to gain the professionally-accredited Certificate in TESOL, which is awarded by Trinity College London. Preparation for the moderation visit by the Trinity Assessor includes a minimum of six hours' teaching practice, though you have the option of also spending up to three months on an educational placement.This will present you with a unique opportunity to put yourself in the shoes of people who do not speak English as their first language and appreciate 'what it feels like' for them to learn a new language. This will enhance your practice and understanding of issues surrounding teaching and learning foreign languages.Studying education at Keele is shaped by our strong focus – in both teaching and research – on the broader role of education in enhancing human development and how education is related to the economy, society and people’s lives, their opportunities and identities.Your careerThe MA Education with TESOL responds to the rapidly growing opportunities for teaching English across the world, developing exceptional teaching practice that places learners' needs at its core.You will develop knowledge of a range of related global educational issues, such as creativity, inclusion, leadership and management, and understanding of learners with diverse linguistic backgrounds.Keele students who have graduated with the Trinity College (London) Certificate in TESOL have gone on to teach in Language Schools and University Language Centres in countries such as Japan, China, Singapore, Vietnam, Brazil, Mexico, The United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Morocco.In addition to teaching and leadership positions in language schools here in the UK or internationally, this MA Education with TESOL can prepare you for positions not only in schools, but also in education administration, policy advice, social care, the health sector, advertising and marketing, the charity sector, youth services, the arts sector and the local government.Duration of study: 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time or modular study up to 5-years.