This is an exciting time to study Economics: great ideological debates, policy decisions and technological changes are taking place that impact our lives, ranging from the direction of globalisation and international trade and trade restrictions, to trends in economic inequality, the environment and climate change, the gender pay-gap, migration flows, economic integration, financial crises, and the challenges posed by the recent Covid-19 crisis.
Our Economics programme will delve in to an in-depth study of real economic issues like the above, based on a solid foundation of an eclectic economic theory, and an understanding of how economic policy is formulated. This will enable students to gain the analytical and critical evaluation skills needed to recognise how national and global issues affect a society's welfare.
The course is designed to provide students with the experience, knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the job market, by putting a strong emphasis on analytical, quantitative and research skills highly valued by employers. It will also develop a student's ability to apply the concepts, theories and quantitative methods to business and public policy decisions, in a diverse range of settings. As we believe your ability to gain meaningful employment after you graduate is really important, there is also a strong focus on helping you to develop your more general and transferable employability skills.
In this course, students will study a range of areas, including Quantitative Methods, Econometrics, Intermediate Micro and Macroeconomics, History of Economic Thought, Banking & Finance, and International Economics and Finance.
The study of History helps you to understand how individuals, communities and societies have lived in the past and how those past experiences have helped to shape the present world. History helps us make sense of our world and understand what may lie ahead because the future is shaped by its history in so many ways. Our History degree gives you the opportunity to study a wide-range of historical periods from the Early Modern period to more recent contemporary historical events.
You will engage with a wide variety of historical evidence throughout the whole of your degree programme. History at Liverpool Hope is part of the supportive and friendly environment within the subject areas of History, Politics and International Relations. You will benefit from being taught by a team of recognised scholars, who have published widely in their fields and who are dedicated and experienced teachers.
Throughout your degree, you will be able to take advantage of the rich library, archival, museum and heritage resources available in Liverpool and further afield. Working with the resources of the many Liverpool museums forms an important part of your learning experiences. The History team run a range of fieldwork activities every year in the local area and beyond, and offers the opportunity for study visits to major European cities on an annual basis.