Biophysics is the bridge that connects the fundamental laws governing electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics, and classical and quantum mechanics with the way biological organisms, including ourselves, sense, move, eat, reproduce and get sick. Biophysicists aim first to understand biological systems from the perspective of physical laws and models, and second to study biological systems using physical techniques. The biophysics major is a rigorous program involving a core education in physics, biology and chemistry, along with integrated biophysics courses and an exciting range of electives including experimental and research opportunities. Design, build and employ research and medical instruments for spectroscopy, imaging, structure determination and radiation therapy. Detect, purify, characterize, design and image chemicals and materials. Understand and modify microorganisms and, in turn, local and global cycles for water, energy, nutrients and pollutants. Biophysics is a rigorous major with experimental, theoretical, fundamental and applied aspects. As such, it is an excellent foundation for careers in scientific research and administration, industry and manufacturing, sales and marketing, law and policy, medicine and healthcare, teaching, business and finance and conservation.