The M.A. program in English offers a rigorous, personalized, project-based postgraduate experience that will prepare students to achieve their professional and personal goals. Students will have the freedom to pursue their particular interests in literary studies in a way that prepares them for an array of future plans, including admission to a doctoral program in English, admission to graduate programs in a range of disciplines, including law, library sciences, education or business, or preparation for careers in the nonprofit and for-profit sectors. Under the guidance of a faculty mentor, M.A. students will design a program of study that may include traditional course work, internships and a culminating project. the Department of English launched a new M.A. format to meet the changing needs of students pursuing a degree. In place of a period-based M.A. exam as the culminating experience of the degree, students may write an M.A. thesis, complete a professional project, develop a pedagogy project or combine a sequence of courses to meet their personal and professional goals. The M.A. degree has two tracks: a thesis-based track (Plan A) and a non-thesis track (Plan B). Students will determine which track to pursue in their first semester.
Achieve your professional and personal goals with a rigorous, personalized, project-based graduate experience. Through seminar courses, students develop extensive knowledge of literature, literary critical methods and analytical writing. Students will have the freedom to pursue their particular interests in literary studies in a way that prepares them for an array of future plans, including admission to a doctoral program in English Under the guidance of a faculty mentor, M.A. students will design a program of study that may include traditional coursework, internships, and a culminating project. Students complete this program can go on to their doctoral studies or pursue careers in education, non-profit administration, library sciences, law, health care, communications, journalism and any other professions.