Learn the skills needed to work in today's commercial nurseries.
This programme is for you if you are already working in the nursery industry or looking to gain skills for employment in this field.
A stepping stone into a career growing plants and trees, and a job that could range from fruit growing or vegetable production, landscaping for homes or parks, a plant nursery enterprise, to tree production and revegetation to enhance our environment in line with the one billion trees programme. Learn the skills needed to work in the Nursery Industry growing plants for food production and forestry, plants for our landscapes and native revegetation, to enhance our natural environment.
You can also progress from the New Zealand Certificate in Horticulture Level 3 (General) to this programme.
You will learn advanced propagation and managing rootstocks for grafting and budding, as well as understand plant hormones and how to manage plant growth and health.
You will gain a working knowledge of your plants' water, nutrient and climatic needs, operating irrigation systems, and developing a plant crop protection programme to manage any pest disease and weed issues.
Part of the programme is developing a planting plan for a growing project of your choice. You will also set up your own soil-less media experiment to trial soil mixes, learn to produce a scale drawing for a landscape, and plan, plant and monitor a revegetation project.
You will also learn about nursery machinery and equipment and examine the business side of running a nursery and supervising others.
The programme includes courses on:
Nursery Environment including soils and soilless media, nutrient management, mist units and an understanding of other systems, irrigation, managing temperature and the weather
Nursery Operations covers the practical side of advanced propagation, seed sowing, and producing plants from cuttings, grafting, and budding. It also covers cultivars and PVRs, stock management, stool beds, and how to grow plants through all stages of production. Relevant plant science and the influence of plant hormones are also covered.
Nursery Crop Protection covers dealing with pests, diseases, and weeds and identifying and managing them in the nursery.
Plant Selection and Planning include plant identification, landscape design, and planting plans for amenity areas and revegetation projects.
Nursery Equipment that covers growing houses, shade houses, potting machines, packing and dispatch.
Business Management and Marketing involves comparing various marketing strategies and writing a business plan for a nursery enterprise.
Human Resources covers supervising and managing others, time management, communication skills and conflict resolution.