In the 3D Animation & VFX Concentration, students learn the essential aspects of animation, from storyboard to final movie, and also get the opportunity to delve into visual effects. To create their own original productions, students are required to learn and master the software programs Adobe Photoshop and Adobe After Effects, Maya, Mudbox and ZBrush. Introductory subjects of study include Screenwriting, Storyboard and Character Design, Drawing and Anatomy, Acting for Animation, Lighting, Materials, Textures, Animation, Rendering, Editing, and 3D Modeling and Sculpture.
In the latter portion of the concentration, students will cover more advanced subjects and techniques such as Motion Capture, Green Screen, Compositing, Dynamics, Advanced CG Lighting, Scripting, and Motion Tracking. The primary aspects of VFX are covered and students are instructed in the associated software, including Nuke and Motion Builder.
Students develop a final project that showcases a primary area of interest, be it modeling, animation VFX, or a combination thereof. Adequate time is made available for students to finish final projects and demonstrate a mastery of their particular area of interest. Please note, softwares may change, depending on industry standards at the time of the program delivery.