Our comprehensive PhD training program in Environmental Health Science combines didactics and research. The didactic curriculum offers a solid foundation in relevant basic sciences, while research training gives students the opportunity to design, conduct, and interpret studies that address specific scientific issues in environmental health disciplines.
The diversity of research led by our investigators allows trainees to develop skills using various investigatory approaches. We provide advanced training in many scientific disciplines in environmental health, focusing on major health problems such as cancer, respiratory illnesses, cardiovascular diseases, and metabolic syndromes including diabetes/obesity, with emphasis on genetic and epigenetic effects of environmental pollutants and toxicants.
Our trainees acquire specialized knowledge in environmental health areas including exposure assessment and health effects, molecular toxicology and carcinogenesis, and systemic toxicology.
In the molecular toxicology and carcinogenesis concentration, trainees focus on the underlying molecular mechanisms by which environmental agents act to disrupt normal biological function, leading to carcinogenesis and genetic susceptibility to disease.
Research in this concentration is broad and involves studying the genetic and epigenetic effects on gene expression and perturbations of cellular signaling pathways and basic carcinogenesis studies in vivo. Trainees can conduct research in areas including the chemistry of carcinogenDNA interactions, DNA damage, DNA repair, DNA methylation, mutagenesis, epigenetic gene silencing, cell cycle and mitosis controls, cell growth control and apoptosis, signal transduction, mechanisms of cellular resistance, biological parameters of tumor progression and chemoprevention, biomarkers of exposure, and genetic polymorphisms in exposed human and non-human populations. These projects often involve taking multiple approaches from scientific disciplines such as organic chemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, and experimental pathology.