Our (I)GCSE curriculum is grounded in a thorough preparation for public examinations, complemented by our determination to ensure that pupils have ample opportunities to explore areas of personal intellectual interest. We want our pupils to succeed as independent learners, capable of thinking, questioning and debating, as well as being thoroughly prepared for the next stages of their education and the responsibilities of adult life. At every stage, pupils progress towards their goals is carefully overseen and supported by their teachers and their Tutors.
All subjects are examined as (I)GCSEs. Pupils sit examinations in Mathematics, English, three Sciences and at least one Modern Language, along with five option subjects. All our departments run a comprehensive programme of after-hours academic surgeries for pupils seeking specialised support both to extend or clarify their understanding, as well as to review work in progress.
In addition to the core curriculum subjects, five subjects, including at least one Modern Foreign Language, are chosen from the following extensive list, Arabic, French, Latin, Art, Geography, Music, Chinese, German, Physical Education, Computing, Greek (classical), Religious Studies, Design and Technology, History, Russian, Drama, Italian, Spanish, and Computer Science.