This BPS-accredited course is open to Honours graduates from any discipline wishing to take the first step towards becoming a chartered psychologist. You gain in-depth knowledge and skills around conceptual and historical issues as well as individual differences, social, cognitive, developmental and biological psychology. We offer a range of assessment approaches, including podcasting and webpage design, to equip you with modern skills for the workplace. You also carry out your own piece of empirical research aligned to your career aspirations and our staff expertise.What will you studyStudying our Applied Psychology (Conversion) MSc course will equip you with in-depth knowledge and skills around conceptual and historical issues, individual differences, social, cognitive, developmental and biological psychology. You will be introduced to the application of research methods in our Research Methods: Quantitative and Qualitative unit. Here, you will advance your knowledge of empirical research within applied psychology, and this includes understanding qualitative and quantitative data collection methods through experiments, observations, questionnaires and focus groups. You will explore the relationship between design and analysis in applied psychology research while considering possible ethical issues in the field. Moving on to the study of mental processes, our unit in Cognition and Performance will allow you to examine the impact of cognitive systems on human behaviour, and these cognitive processes include human thinking, problem solving, perception, language, memory and learning.In other areas of study, you will also learn of the theories around biological, cognitive and social development across the lifespan in our Developmental Psychology unit. You will also discover the historical context of developmental psychology and compare this to contemporary theories and research while applying them to real-life situations. Similarly, you will be introduced to such theories, concepts and research methods in our Social Psychology unit. Here, you will learn to understand the thoughts, feelings and behaviours of people in a range of social settings. This is key in helping you understand the complex social nature of human beings as you critically evaluate social psychological theories and current research findings. You will also adopt a questioning approach in our Applied Psychology unit that will provide you with a critical understanding of how psychology can be applied to some of the key challenges facing society today.As you advance, our unit in Biological and Neuropsychological Perspectives of Behaviour will provide you with an understanding of biopsychological and neuropsychological aspects of psychology and its impact on human behaviour. Through examining recent case studies and common everyday examples, you will discuss neuroanatomy and the physiology of behaviour, including the impact of brain injury and disease on cognitive systems. Furthermore, our unit in Personality, Intelligence and Assessments will allow you to understand what make people uniquely different by evaluating biological, cognitive and social elements.CareersAs a Graduate Chartered Member of the BPS you will be eligible to apply for specialist Master's andor Doctoral degrees to become an occupational forensic health educational counselling sport or clinical psychologist. This will then enable you to work in services such as health education and the justice system as a chartered psychologist. You will have acquired specific knowledge in research methods and other core areas in psychology (such as developmental psychology) to put you in a position to continue your studies within Psychology with a PhD.Your Master’s qualification will also open up a range of graduate posts in other sectors where you can gain experience increasing your chance of later going back to these specialist pathways in psychology.