The Classical Civilization Concentration is for students wishing to examine the culture of the ancient Greeks and Romans as an area of study, including art and archaeology, mythology and religion, ancient history, literature, and language.
UMass Classics has a vibrant and growing undergraduate program. Our majors can choose from a wide variety of courses: in addition to offering all levels of ancient Greek and Latin, we provide dozens of courses in Classical Civilization in translation, such as Greek Mythology, Greek Drama, Greek and Roman Culture, Magic in Antiquity, Epic Poetry, Greek Religion, Women in Antiquity, World of the Etruscans, and Greek and Roman Painting, as well as numerous courses in Classical Archaeology. We have a strong Classics Honors Program, and our majors regularly produce outstanding senior honors theses and projects. Many students also participate in Eta Sigma Phi, the national classics undergraduate honor society. Our chapter manages a healthy mixture of classical study, social activity, and community service. Recent activities include a field trip the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, an annual book sale, and university service such as offering free tutoring in Latin and Greek. The Classical Civilization Concentration is for students wishing to examine the culture of the ancient Greeks and Romans as an area of study, including art and archaeology, mythology and religion, ancient history, literature, and language.