The Master of Science in Chemistry at the University of Missouri'St. Louis includes advanced coursework in the areas of organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, biochemistry, physical chemistry and inorganic chemistry. The specific program of courses is flexible and may be designed to suit students interests.
Chemistry students have the opportunity to engage in hands-on research projects under the guidance of faculty with full access to all university facilities. The Chemistry Department maintains four chemical instrumentation centers (X-Ray Diffractions, NMR, Mass Spectrometry and Microscopy) that provide training for students and services for academic institutions and companies across the state. Additionally, chemistry students benefit from the Science Learning Building, a 32 million addition to the UMSL science complex that provides state-of-the-art, dedicated teaching lab spaces for students.
Chemists and those who study advanced chemistry have left an indelible mark on human history. That's because chemistry has always been essential for meeting the needs of life: food, shelter, health, energy, clean air and water, and more. Today, chemists continue to enrich our quality of life by providing new solutions to what we eat, what we wear, the technologies we use, how we treat illnesses, protect the environmentand the list goes on and on.
The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at UMSL boasts a strong research emphasis and a dedication to teaching, but also allows for substantial interaction between faculty and students. The department is equipped with modern instrumentation and computing resources, including outstanding NMR, microscopy, X-ray and mass spectrometry facilities, with two 300 MHz and one 600 MHz NMR spectrometers, two single-crystal and one powder X-ray diffractometers, a Bruker Maxis Plus and GC-MS facilities. Research specializations include the traditional areas of chemistry mentioned above, as well as organometallic, supramolecular, surface chemistry, computational chemistry, laser spectroscopy and the study of new materials.
Outcomes and Career Outlook
Upon completion of the degree program, graduates will have the ability to understand current chemical research and to apply this understanding to new problems in applied research, basic research and product development. What's more, the job outlook for those with an MS in chemistry is excellent as graduates are highly sought after for jobs in the chemical and life sciences industries, can expect higher salaries and have better potential for advancement to higher level positions. They are also well prepared to advance to pursue a PhD in chemistry.