Environmental geochemistry is central to the environmental sector which has grown rapidly over the last decade. The global environmental consultancy market, a key destination for suitably skilled graduates, is currently increasing at its strongest rate for five years. Geochemical expertise is vital to many aspects of the day to day work of environmental consultants, civil, structural and mining engineers, environmental regulatory authorities, mining and oil companies.
Environmental geochemistry is the scientific discipline concerned with the sources, distribution and interactions of chemical elements in rocks, soils, waters, air and biological material. It particularly is tasked with studying a wide variety of environmental materials using a broad suite of analytical tools, inclusive of field measurements, chemical instrumentation and digital modelling methods.
Environmental geochemistry provides strong employment opportunities for appropriately skilled graduates. Research amongst chemistry, science and general employers suggests the majority of employers are seeking additional skills from graduates, particularly numeracy (including data analysis), independent learning, commercial/business awareness, flexibility/adaptability, leadership, interpersonal and research skills. Similarly, the last relevant environmental research council review published by NERC (2012) cited most important skill gaps identified by employers as modelling, multidisciplinarity, data management, numeracy, translating research into practice, fieldwork and risk and uncertainty. These are all central to the field of environmental geochemistry which, in comparison to other environmental management postgraduate programmes, places a particular focus on understanding the chemical nature of environmental issues and a rigorous approach to data acquisition, data management, modelling and uncertainty thus providing graduates with unique and desirable skill set.
The only taught postgraduate programme dedicated to the study of environmental geochemistry in the Southern region of the UK.
State of the art analytical instrumentation, plus the opportunity for students to work in our ISO 9001 certified laboratories used in industry for high quality data.
Case study and field excursions to current and legacy extractive industry sites in close proximity to Plymouth, including metal mining, china clay extraction, urban redevelopment and industrial processing sites.
An employability focused hands-on course. You will learn how chemicals of environmental concern move through the environment, how to analyse them and how to interpret the data to support environmental management decisions.
Drawing on the expertise of our academic and technical staff from chemistry, environmental sciences, geology and geography whom have experience within industry and world-class scientific research profiles.