The Bachelor of Animation Production students learn how to observe the world around them, drawing directly from life to gain inspiration for characters and stories. They discover how to think creatively and develop ideas through multiple stages, focusing upon character development, narrative structure and engaging performance. They also learn fundamental 2D, 3D and hybrid animation skills to bring their stories to life.
This degree combines a professional degree with language and culture studies, enhancing professional training and career options by providing students with the opportunity to undertake studies at an overseas University.
Graduates from the Bachelor of Animation Production are image-makers, critical thinkers and storytellers in equal measure and we help equip them to become leaders in this industry. Students will learn to develop, pitch and defend ideas, and ultimately create original content for film, TV, advertising and other screen-based media that will engage global audiences.
The industry-focused Bachelor of Animation Production opens up animation careers in film, television and emergent screen-based content creation industries. Career options include director, animator, scriptwriter, concept artist, production designer, character designer, set designer, storyboard artist, layout artist, digital cinematographer, technical director, producer, modeller, rigger, VFX artist, editor, colourist and compositor.