The Master of Education in Curriculum & Pedagogy program (C&P) is a forum for systematic reflection on curriculum, viewed in the broadest sense as educational experiences that occur in both formal and informal settings. This includes a critical examination of the substance (subject matter, courses, programs of study), purposes, and practices used for bringing about learning in educational settings.
Students enrolled in the Master of Education in Curriculum & Pedagogy program are required to complete ten half-courses, which may be taken on a full or part-time basis. Additional coursework may be required depending on previous experience and academic qualifications. Given the diverse academic and research interests of our faculty, the program is organized into six constituent but optional program Emphases. All requirements for the degree must be completed within three years of enrolment for full-time students, and within six years for part-time students.
All individuals thirst for wellbeing, creativity, belonging and a sense of purpose in life, wherever they may situate themselves. Thus, the Wellbeing Emphasis is integral and central to other emphases. The Wellbeing Emphasis envisions a world in which all people may awaken to their full human potential while caring for one another and for the earth. All human beings have the potential to develop and balance numerous ways of knowing and being, yet, most education systems are weighted heavily in one area, that of the rational mind. As a species, this has left us in great peril, however, there are endless creative solutions waiting to be developed and practiced. Our main tenet for the Wellbeing Emphasis is to develop, holistically, the fullness of intelligence: mind, body, heart and spirit in all individuals. Time is running out. We must act together. As educators within a global community, we believe the answers to our most pernicious problems, with grace and wisdom, may be found in the fullness of our human potential within our quest for social justice. Ultimately, we cannot hope to find new ways to live and thrive using only part of our consciousness. The Emphasis, along with the OISE community, wishes to proceed, with care and attention, to build a stronger, more inclusive world for generations to come.