The David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science has an international reputation in teaching, academics, research, and employment. We attract exceptional students from all over the world to study and conduct research with our award-winning faculty. You can participate in research projects in a wide variety of topics with our internationally acclaimed researchers. Our research spans the field of computer science, from core work on systems, theory and programming languages to human-computer interaction, DNA and quantum computing to theoretical and applied machine learning, just to name a few. As a graduate student, you will: Access research-intensive lab spaces. Gain the opportunity to publish your work in top conferences and journals. Present at premier conferences in front of peers, industry leaders, researchers, and experts in your field. As a graduate student, you will have the independence to pursue your preferred area of research with a faculty If you want to continue pursuing research and expand your learning, you will work with a supervisor to develop a thesis. As a graduate student at the PhD level you will be expected to conduct meaningful research that expands the scope of your graduate work.
The Cryptography, Security, and Privacy (CrySP) research group carries out research in a wide variety of topics, from designing cryptographic protocols to the evaluation of their effectiveness and usability in deployed systems. Some examples are: (Distributed) cryptographic protocols. Designing interactive protocols to enable secure communication, such as key agreement protocols, key distribution schemes, secret sharing schemes, identification schemes, broadcast encryption and oblivious transfer. Efficient cryptographic algorithms and their implementation. Designing and analyzing cryptographic primitives such as block and stream ciphers, public-key encryption schemes, signature schemes, message authentication codes, key establishment protocols, and pairing-based cryptography. Cryptographic hash functions. Analyzing the security of iterated design techniques and the random oracle model and constructing families of universal hash functions. Privacy-preserving communications networks. Creating privacy-preserving communications networks with better security, privacy, efficiency, and scalability properties than existing ones. Off-the-record messaging. Improving the user interface, robustness, and group communication abilities of Off-the-Record Messaging, or OTR. Censorship resistance. Designing, developing, and deploying censorship resistance technologies, examining the motivations of the censor and the resister, and analyzing the game-theoretic aspects of their interactions.