The School of Food Science offers graduate programs leading to doctoral and master of science degrees. Washington State University (WSU) and University of Idaho (UI) merged faculty and programs to become the School of Food Science (SFS). This is the first program in the nation to share teaching, research, extension programs, faculty, and resources between two states and two universities. Food Science is a multidisciplinary science that applies biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, nutrition, and other sciences to improve the safety and quality of food products, develop new food products, and design new, safer, and more energy-efficient food preservation methods. Curriculum emphasizes courses in food processing, food chemistry, food microbiology, sensory evaluation, and other specialized areas. Examples include the processing and manufacturing of cereal, dairy, fruit, and vegetable products, including cheeses, wines, and potatoes. Departmental faculty and adjunct/affiliate faculty may all serve as student advisors. Faculty are housed at WSU and UI campuses, the WSU Tri-Cities campus, and the research station in Prosser, WA. Each student's program of study is individualized based on their research interests, prior academic experience, and collaboration with their major advisor.