An integrated baccalaureate and master's degree program is available for the Bachelor of Science in Chemistry or Forensic Chemistry: Master of Science in Chemistry. An integrated degree program provides the opportunity for outstanding undergraduates to earn both degrees in five years.
Student training by faculty on modern instrumentation used in industry, academia, and government laboratories. Hands on research experience available for each individual student, which can lead to funded trips to state and national scientific conferences and publication of journal articles with faculty. Develop cutting edge laboratory skills which will provide employment opportunities in crime labs as well as the ability to pursue biotechnological, chemical, clinical, food, environmental, and pharmaceutical careers. The most comprehensive degree program encompassing all aspects of forensic chemistry including crime scene investigation (CSI), expert testimony, methods in the analysis of physical evidence (including finger printing, firearms, tool marks, glass, hair, fiber, drugs of abuse, dried body fluids, DNA, metals, paints, soils, fire accelerants, explosives, paper, and ink), and methods of analysis of different toxicological specimens (including blood, urine, saliva, sweat, hair, vitreous humor, stomach contents, and various tissues). One of the first forensic chemistry programs in the United States.