
Build your professional network in Australia

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It can be daunting moving to a new city, setting up your life far away from your comfort zone, family and friends. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed, stressed and on the hand, at times feel excitement and exhilaration.

Tasks you take for granted in your home country take longer as you become used to a new place. Forging your way in a new city, trying new things, meeting new friends are an amazing experience. It develops your character, helps you learn new skills and find strengths that you never knew you had before.

Finding good friends and ensuring you have a support network around you is key. Read on to learn some tried and tested ways of reaching out and making friends as well as tips to land your first job.

Tried and tested ways to network in Australia

  1. Join online groups, for example Facebook. There is likely to be a Facebook group of people from your home country living in your new city and Facebook groups for your local suburbs, promoting special deals. It’s an easy way to connect with people of which you share a common interest.
  2. Find friends who love the same activities as you via Meetup groups. Meetup is a great way to find like minded people. Why not keep up the same activities you love to do and meet people at the same time? Explore all types of events from niche to broad events from dragon boat racing to English classes to photography courses to foodie groups. Simply register your interests and Meetup will suggest events to attend.
  3. Language events – Keep an eye out for language events where you can meet people from your home country as well as Australians who are keen to learn your mother tongue. Could be a way to explore a language exchange, you can improve your English whilst they improve their foreign language.
  4. English classes are a good way to meet like-minded people whilst at the same time improving your English.
  5. Join a sports club. Australians love their sport, it’s a social way to meeting others whilst keeping fit. From netball, football to basketball clubs, there are many different options in terms of sports clubs.
  6. Ask friends from your home country if they know people in your new city. Ask to be introduced, go for a coffee. It can help understand your new city in terms of activities, cafes as well as important things like health care and tax system.
  7. Be prepared to say yes, more often than no! If your colleague asks you to go for coffee, or to the movies, or to try new experiences, say Yes! You won’t know how much you enjoy the experience, until you give it a go!

Tips to land a job in Australia

  1. Take advantage of contacts from university, their career or student portal staff. If you have a chance to meet Alumni students, learn from someone in your desired occupation and ask to have coffee to learn their steps to job success.
  2. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or initiate a coffee /catch up when you believe there is a good reason. When you invite someone, be specific about the reason why to meet. Why? Because networking is tiring, and meeting people for the sake of it will become tiring. Also the other person will appreciate knowing the objective so they know their time is not been wasted.
  3. Attend Meetup events in your related field, take time to network with people from industry and ask questions to learn more. You can learn something new from virtually everyone, it will pay to be openminded and take the time to talk to others.
  4. Volunteer your time for university events. Not only will you have the chance to meet new friends, but you will have the opportunity to talk to university staff and learn from others on their success stories and learn how the Australian workplace operates
  5. Further your knowledge and grow your confidence with free online courses. Trial Coursera for access to free American university course to further your knowledge in a certain area. Udemy has free videos in various categories including Development, Marketing, Finance and more. Linked In Learning can help you further your knowledge of soft skills like leadership and management as well as technical skills like Software Development.
  6. Make your profile shine on Linked In – Recruiters and potential clients use this platform to find talent. It’s an obvious online platform for networking too. Join groups and be active in these groups to promote yourself

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