
Applying for Scholarships as an International Student in the UK

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Most of the scholarships offered to international students in the UK are for postgraduates and focus on research courses. However, there are few scholarships for undergraduate students, but they are generally offered by the university itself.

Here are some of the most recognised scholarships for international students in the UK and a short guide on how to apply for one.

Famous worldwide scholarships

Chevening Scholarships is a program that has offered over 50,000 scholarships for international students to study in the UK since 1983.

Chevening Scholarships are funded by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office and offer funding for Masters degrees. Citizens of 144 countries are eligible to apply, but under the condition that they return to their home country to work for at least two years after graduation.

Common wealth Scholarships offer scholarships for Masters and PhD students from 62 Commonwealth countries. There are 10 different types of scholarships depending on your course and your country of origin.

The scholarship will typically cover your tuition fees, a monthly living allowance and travel to and from the UK. They also offer Split-Site Scholarships that enable you to spend one year studying at a UK university as part of your PhD at your home country, which means you won't have to do the whole course in the UK.

Saltire Scholarships is a program of scholarships offered by the Scottish Government in collaboration with Scottish universities in the areas of science, technology, creative industries, healthcare and medical sciences, and renewable and clean energy.

Saltire Scholarships are available to citizens of the following countries: Canada, China (including Hong Kong), India, Japan, Pakistan and the USA. In order to apply for a Saltire Scholarship, candidates must have a conditional or unconditional offer as a full-time student in an eligible postgraduate course at a Scottish university.

University faculty scholarships

Most of the universities in the UK offer scholarships to their postgraduate students and some also offer undergraduate scholarships, regardless of their country of origin or their area of study.

Even more, university-specific scholarships are often organised in different categories depending on the country of origin or by faculties. That means you won't be competing with everyone, but only people with similar interests or fellow nationals.

Most university scholarship applications are open through the spring semester. If you cannot find specific information about eligibility, application or deadlines, it's best to email the university for more information.

Country-specific scholarships and British Council Scholarships

Some countries offer scholarships for their nationals to study abroad. Here are three we decided to single out, but take them as a starting point for further exploration of national scholarships in your country.

GREAT Scholarships are part of the British Council program of funding international students in the United Kingdom. They are currently offered to citizens of China, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Turkey and Malaysia. Applications processes vary for each of the mentioned countries. The single value of each scholarship is a minimum of £10,000. Most scholarships are open for all subjects.

The British Council often offers alternative sources of funding within the United Kingdom consulates and embassies in foreign countries. It might be worth checking their website and see if there's something you can apply to.

Inlaks Scholarships are granted to young Indian students to study at top-rated American, European and UK institutions for a full-time Master's, M.Phil or a Doctorate program.

There are specific areas that the Foundation does not give grants to, and full details can be found on their website. The scholarship covers full tuition fees, adequate living expenses, a one-way travel allowance and health allowance.

The Australia Day Foundation UK Trust supports young Australians in the UK. Their objectives are to promote education, including the social and physical training of young Australian citizens who are living, working or visiting the United Kingdom.

Young Australians holding a valid Australian passport with an expiry date on the passport that exceeds the end of the grant period can apply. Grants will only be available to applicants who are entitled to work/study in the United Kingdom for the period of the project.

A female student writing a scholarship exam

Applying for a scholarship

Different scholarships require different types of applications. Some of them will ask you to upload your CV and motivational letter, some of them will have some specific questions to answer and some will even conduct interviews with shortlisted candidates.

In the initial steps of the application, it is important for you to emphasise your career highlights and education successes.

Scholarship motivational letters are very similar to a Statement of Purpose as you must prove you are the right candidate for that program. In a way, you have to be able to sell your possibilities and competencies and show yourself as a good long-term investment.

Focus on your latest achievements, academic excellence, and your research expertise. Try not to write about your past projects in detail, just briefly mention why was it important, what have you learned from that experience and in what way did it influence the decision to continue your education in the program you are applying for.

The main part of the text should contain your skills and motivation to not just enrol into the program you are applying for, but also the will and dedication to finish your degree and continue working in the industry or in academia.

Every institution or agency that funds young researchers and students want to know that their money is going into the right hands so someday their work might create change in their industry or their environment.

Don't be afraid to write about your long-term dreams and career plans, no matter how ambitious they may be. But don't forget to justify your plans and explain why they are important not just for you, but for the community in general.

There are few keywords you can use to make your application stronger:


that in your application. That does not mean you will not receive any offers, but you just have to let them know what other sources of funding you are eligible for and are applying to.

Take time to prepare each and every application and don't upload the very first version of your documents. Write a draft, let it rest a few days and then read it again. You will then see parts that can be improved or changed.

Remember, it's important to double-check your application for mistakes. Don't be afraid to ask a friend, a parent or even a professor to take a look at your application. It is always good to have a second opinion!

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