Why study abroad?
Where and what to study?
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After receiving an offer
Prepare to depart
Arrive and thrive

869 news and articles

Showing 625 -636 of 869 results
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Why Studying Abroad Is Your Very Own Personal Development Program 

University is one of the most defining moments in one’s educational journey. But when you decide to study overseas, it’s an entirely new ball game. 

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    Your Complete Guide To Accommodation Costs In Australia

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      How to manage stress when you are studying abroad

      When you are dealing with stress, you don't have to suffer in silence.

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        A guide to living in Sydney

        With a lifestyle and scenic views that are hard to beat, Sydney is one of Australia's top choices.

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          United Kingdom, Ireland

          UK vs Ireland: Deciding where to study abroad?

          If you're deciding on whether to study abroad in the UK or Ireland, one thing is certain, both have excellent education systems and some of the world's best universities for international students.

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            United States

            Top Universities in the US for Biotechnology

            • 10 min read
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            The Best Undergraduate Business Programs in Canada

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              Co-op programs in Canada

              Want to get hired quickly after you graduate? Canada’s co-op education helps you work in a sector related to your field of education while studying in Canada.

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                Study in Perth | Australia

                Explore everything about what it feels like studying in Perth. Like Top Universities in Perth, Education in Perth, Lifestyle and more.

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                  United Kingdom

                  How to apply for the Chevening Scholarship

                  Know more about the eligibility criteria and the chronology followed by the Chevening Scholarship committee. Check here!

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                    Benefits of obtaining an Australian Student Visa and other features

                    Want to work and study at the same time? Explore the unique features, benefits and step-by-step process of getting a student visa when you are in Australia.

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                      United States

                      Visa options in the US after graduation

                        One account for all your study abroad needs

                        Create your profile and unlock a wide array of features including personalised recommendations, fast-tracked applications and much more.