What is the weather like in New Zealand?
You asked, we answered. You asked What is the weather like in New Zealand? and we gathered short videos from institutions, students and our IDP counsellors giving their answers and opinions.
The weather in New Zealand varies, so it really depends on where it is that you're studying here in Auckland, we have a subtropical climate. So what that means is that in winter it'll be about 10 to 15 degrees Celsius with a bit of rain. But in the summer, it's beautiful and warm all the way up to 25, 26 degrees. So it's a great place to be over summer to enjoy our beautiful beaches.
In the month of November and New Zealand until February, probably, it's a beautiful summary, chilled, cold, windy, a flowering season here and we've got beautiful outdoor moments right now. And after February, we have a bit of a pleasant chill winters. And beyond that, we have winter jacket season where you have to pull out all your winter fashion clothes. But it's a very comfortable level of summer and winter here.
So the weather in New Zealand depends on where about you are in Hamilton. The weather is very mild. We have cold winters and warm summers, so you won't find that the weather varies a lot. You will need a warm coat for the winter. And also, generally, most people can get away with wearing shorts and t shirt in summer. So the weather is generally pretty mild here in Hamilton.
The weather in New Zealand is generally pretty good, but for example, here in Christchurch, the weather is usually a little bit colder, a little bit warmer than the rest of the country, for example. Now we're going into winter, as you can see, by the brown trees behind me. So what? We're getting ready for the cold season to come in.