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1275 questions found, showing 15 below
Why does a master's degree in the UK only take one year to complete?What kind of scholarships are available in the UK?What is the best city in the UK for international students?What is the difference between a 190 visa and a 491 visa?What IELTS score do I need to get into an Australian university?What kind of scholarships are available in the UK?What IELTS score do I need to get into an Australian university?What are the scholarship opportunities in the UK?What are the Group of Eight (Go8) universities?Am I required to provide my IELTS test score when I lodge my Student visa extension?What is the cost of living in Australia for international students?What is the cost of living in New Zealand for international students?Why does a master's degree in the UK only take one year to complete?What are the maximum scholarship amounts provided by universities?What IELTS score is required to study a master's degree in the UK?
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