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Australia Awards Scholarships (AAS)
At Curtin University
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Full tuition fees
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기타 고려 사항
Academic excellence
수여금은 다음에 사용할 수 있습니다.
Cost of living, Health insurance, Travel tuition, Tuition fees
성별 요구사항
국적 요건
All international
신청하는 과정 과목
과학, 기술, 사회학
선택 기준
Academic excellence
선정 기준
Scholarship base: Merit Based
AAS are offered to people from Africa, Asia, the Middle East and the Pacific.
AAS are offered for the minimum period necessary for the individual to complete the academic program specified by the Australian higher education institution, including any preparatory training. The following benefits generally apply:
Full tuition fees.
Return air travel-payment of a single return, economy class airfare to and from Australia, via the most direct route.
Establishment allowance-a once only payment of AUD $5,000 as a contribution towards as accommodation expenses, text books, study materials.
Contribution to Living Expenses (CLE) is a fortnightly contribution to basic living expenses paid at a rate determined by Australian Government. From 1 January 2015, CLE payable to Scholars studying under an AAS is AUD $30,000 per year.
Introductory Academic Program (IAP)-a compulsory 4-6 week program prior to the commencement of formal academic studies covering information on life and study in Australia.
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the duration of the award (for award holder only)-provided to cover the student's basic medical costs (except pre existing conditions).
Pre-course English (PCE) fees-if deemed necessary PCE may be available for students for in-country and/or in-Australia training.
Supplementary Academic Support may be available to ensure a Scholar's academic success or enhance their academic experience.
Fieldwork (for research students only)-may be available for eligible research students for one return economy class airfare via the most direct route to their country of citizenship or within Australia.
Applications accepted at any time. For further information, please contact the University website.
장학금 신청마감일:대학과 연락하기
입학 지원 절차:Separate application required
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