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William and Ina Cartwright Scholarship
At University of Canterbury
New Zealand
자금 타입
Fee waiver/discount
대학과 연락하기
장학금 내역
5000 NZD
장학금 개요
평균 지원자 수
지정되지 않음
박사수여 대상자
장학금 내역
5000 NZD
가능 입학시기
대학과 연락하기
자금 내역
Financial assistance at a value of NZ $5,000 per 120 points of enrolment.
스터디 모드
Full Time
학업 모드
지정되지 않음
과정 신청 마감일
대학과 연락하기
자금 타입
Fee waiver/discount수여금 배정
기타 고려 사항
Academic excellence
수여금은 다음에 사용할 수 있습니다.
Tuition fees
성별 요구사항
국적 요건
All international
신청하는 과정 과목
선택 기준
Academic excellence, Financial need/hardship
선정 기준
In making the recommendations, the Amo Rangahau Dean of Postgraduate Research (or nominee) considers the following, in descending order of priority: a. Academic achievement b. (1) The quality of the institution and programme pertaining to the candidate's qualifying degree(s), and (2) the candidate's prior relevant research experience, research publications, and other outputs, and (3) strategic objectives of the University
Candidates must have completed an appropriate qualification at a level judged to be equivalent to a bachelor's or master's degree with first-class honours at Te Whare W?nanga o Waitaha University of Canterbury (equivalent to a UC GPA of at least 7.0).
Tenure: The scholarship is tenable for the period necessary to complete up to 360 points of enrolment.
Number Available Annually: At least one
Applicable Enrolment During Tenure: The scholarship is tenable by students engaged in study for a research doctoral degree in the discipline of Education.
Candidates who have been selected for a UC Core Doctoral Scholarship and who are studying the discipline of Education are automatically considered for the William and Ina Cartwright Scholarship no application is required.
Closing Date: Not applicable
장학금 신청마감일:대학과 연락하기
입학 지원 절차:Automatic consideration
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