Studying marketing provides students with the basis to understand the art of developing, communicating, and delivering an offering that consumers find attractive. The goal of marketing is to persuade, earn, and keep customers, clients and partners through carefully articulating the value of your product or service. Studying marketing develops creativity, strategic problem solving, and a deep understanding of consumer behavior and motivation.
After graduating with an undergraduate degree, students typically begin their career in one of many specialized roles. Many students enter the workforce or progress in their positions. Others pursue an MBA with a focus in marketing or management. Thirty of the most popular positions for those who have majored in marketing are listed alphabetically below: Admissions Representative, Advertising Manager, Brand Manager, Chief Marketing Officer, Content Director, Creative Director, Database Marketing Manager, Digital Marketing Manager/Marketing Specialist, E-Commerce Manager/Specialist, Global Marketing Manager, Market Research Analyst, Marketing Assistant/Consultant/Manager/Director, Media Buyer/Manager, Product Manager, Promotions Manager, Public Relations Representative, Sales Agent - Ad and insurance, Sales Agent - Financial services, Sales Manager, Sales Rep - Non-technical products/Technical products/Wholesale & manufacturing, Social Media Manager, Sports Marketing, Account Executive.