The Los Medanos Music Department courses and curricula are designed to fulfill a wide range of student goals and learning outcomes. The department provides both professional strength and liberal arts breadth, developing musical and intellectual excellence and sensitivity. The LMC Music major receives intense training for professional careers in music such as professional musicians, private studio applied instructors, songwriters, musical directors and performers. The music program is design to allow for maximum development of specialized skills in particular musical areas of interest. The LMC music major performs a wide variety of repertoire which includes classical, jazz, musical theatre, gospel, country, rhythm & blues and current popular music.
Program learning outcomes - 1. Understand and be able to apply the fundamentals of music theory, aural, and have a working knowledge of harmonic progression, musical forms and structures. 2. Have knowledge and understanding of the historical development of music, its historical periods, genres, instrumentation and composers, within their cultural context 3. Have practical knowledge of performance practice in their particular ensemble performing styles 4. Have proficiency of solo repertoire and technical studies in their major instrumental or vocal area of study 5. Be competent with music technology in its various forms for composition, teaching, and professional pursuits. 6. Be able to work independently on varieties of musical problems by combining their capabilities in performance, aural, verbal and visual analysis, composition, repertoire, knowledge, and music history. 7. Have writing skills with the ability to independently utilize research tools and resources (library, internet, etc.)