Millfield School is a renowned co-educational independent school located in Street, Somerset, England. Established in 1935, the school has earned a strong reputation for providing a first-class education and a nurturing environment for its students. Millfield is set on a stunning 240-acre campus that includes exceptional facilities for academic, artistic, and athletic pursuits.
Millfield School offers education for students aged 2 to 18, covering all stages from pre-preparatory through to sixth form. The schools educational philosophy centers around fostering individuality, encouraging intellectual curiosity, and promoting a holistic approach to education.
Academically, Millfield School is committed to academic excellence. The school provides a broad and balanced curriculum, offering a wide range of subjects to cater to the diverse interests and aspirations of its students. From the sciences, humanities, and languages to creative arts, music, and sports, the school ensures that each student has the opportunity to explore and excel in their chosen areas of study.