Founded in 2015, the National Institute of Education and Technology has its roots in training international students from across the globe. With more than 5000 graduates from Asia, South America, Europe and the subcontinent, our resources and training methodology have been built from the ground-up for learners studying in Australia with English as their second language, with extensive trainer support and high-quality online resources.
The National Institute of Education and Technology is a vocational college in Australia specialising in delivering accessible qualifications in high-demand industries, providing a multitude of flexible learning options to suit any student’s schedule.
It offers a large selection of CoE packaging options with major institutions like Griffith and the University of Tasmania. Each faculty offers a range of options for credit transfer, articulation, and packaging, enabling our graduates to reduce the cost and time involved in attaining a degree.
NIET Group colleges operates learning facilities in Tasmania and South-East Queensland. Its Eight Mile Plains Centre is based on the south side of Brisbane. And its Hobart Centre is a regional campus delivering diverse, locally relevant vocational offerings. Located on the fourth floor, views reach out across the Derwent River, with the campus affording study spaces tailor designed for learning and study.