The Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering program allows students to concentrate in materials science and engineering, mechanics and design, or thermofluids engineering.
Potential career paths: Mechanical Engineer, Materials Engineer, Development Scientist, Aerospace Engineer,Automotive Engineer
Energy Engineer
If you want to earn your master's in Mechanical Engineering at Northeastern, Global Pathways can help you succeed through rigorous language training, cultural activities, and support.
The MS in Mechanical Engineering has a Materials Science concentration. Materials science has been the key enabler in virtually all engineering breakthroughs that have occurred from early metal ages to the present nano age. In step with the scientific development and discovery of materials, members of the mechanical and industrial engineering faculty are involved in interdisciplinary research to further materials processing, synthesis, and design. Research areas are aligned with Northeastern University's broad initiatives of sustainability, security, and health, as well as national initiatives in manufacturing and nanotechnology. Investigations in the areas of metals/alloys, polymers, biomaterials (including biomimetics), and composites incorporating nanoscale materials make use of experimental, theoretical, and computational techniques to tailor structure-processing-property relationships in materials for specific applications. Current areas of research include controlling synthesis and assembly processes to produce well-defined atomic structures, defect engineering, manipulating atomic/microstructures and the chemistry of materials to optimize properties for next-generation structural, electronic, and energy applications, solidification and deformation processing, and life-cycle assessments for nanocomposites/materials. Northeastern faculty and students are committed to creative thinking and engineering innovation to propel materials development to the forefront of scientific research.