The primary goal of any Ph.D. program is to educate students to become researchers in their own area of interest. At the University of Florida, doctoral students in audiology, speech, language, or swallowing typically engage in study and research, not only in our own department, but also within departments across campus, including biomedical engineering, dentistry, gerontology, linguistics, medicine, psychology, and special education, because our fields are so interdisciplinary. Additionally, coursework in research design and analysis is included in the program, so that students develop the expertise to conduct independent and original research programs which will add to the body of knowledge in basic and applied subfields. The department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences is committed to recruiting, admitting, supporting, graduating, and helping to place students with the highest ethical and academic qualities.
We have joined with the departments of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy in the Rehabilitation Science Ph.D. program. This Ph.D. program houses three concentrations: Movement Science, Communication and Swallowing Sciences and Disorders (CSSD), and the Disability, Occupation, and Participation (DOPS) tracks. Most students interested in a Ph.D. focusing on research in Audiology or Speech Pathology will follow the CSSD track, although a few have followed the Movement Science track. All students in the Rehabilitation Sciences Ph.D. program take a few common courses together, as well as concentration-specific courses.