The Face to Face MSW prepares students to move into clinical or macro practice. Students primarily attend face to face classes at the main UH campus and have access to two areas of specialized practice, four specializations and our four dual degree programs. Face to Face program students attend full-time. The Face to Face program is primarily a day-time program and cannot be completed only on evenings. Both program options, Advanced Standing and full program are available Face to Face.
Clinical Practice is the application of theories, methods, skills, values and ethics needed to enhance the cognitive, mental, emotional, behavioral, physical and social well-being of individuals, couples, families, groups and communities. Clinical practice requires leadership in promoting social, economic and political justice. Its methods are relationship-centered, contextualized, culturally sensitive and strengths focused. It includes knowledge about biopsychosocial functioning - and - evidence based interventions. Clinical practice includes, (but not limited to) assessment and intervention, diagnosis and treatment, education and prevention, advocacy, counseling and psychotherapy, supervision and consultation.
The Individualized Specialization builds on the GCSW's mission to advocate for innovative methods that promote social, economic and political justice and its commitment to offer flexibility to students where possible. Students identify and explore a specific substantive area of interest of their choice that is related to social work and not already covered under another specialization, and create a specialization that fits this interest. Students enrolled in this specialization must focus on a specific population, social issue, or area of practice. Students can shape their specialization by selecting courses from the GCSW as well as courses from other disciplines.