Industrial Engineers design, develop, improve, and manage efficient systems. Industrial Engineering at Illinois encompasses the analysis, development, improvement, and implementation of all integrated processes and their components, including materials, equipment, information, energy, people, money, and time. Industrial Engineers figure out how to do things better. Industrial Engineering fuses engineering, business, and communications, drawing upon computer science, math, production management, process control, and psychology. Industrial engineers have the technical training and understanding of people to make improvements in efficiency and quality in any setting. The Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering prepares students to work in a limitless variety of industries, including technology, health care, communications, manufacturing, and governmentyou will be equipped to make an impact in the career path of your choice.The technical portion of the industrial engineering curriculum is designed as a sequence of increasingly specialized experiences. The entering student's first year is spent mastering the basics of science: math, chemistry, and physics. Second-year students begin to take fundamental engineering courses such as statics, dynamics, statistics, and strength of materials. Third-year students take a core of industrial engineering courses and begin their chosen area of specialization in one of five tracks, including: Operations Research, Quality Engineering, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, and Logistics, Economics and Finance, and Industrial Engineering Fundamentals. During their senior year, students broaden and deepen their knowledge with additional technical elective courses. Finally, all students participate in the practice of engineering through the capstone senior design course in which they work in teams to solve problems submitted by industry partnering companies, and present their solutions in reports and presentations supported by complete economic analyses. Engineering design, communication, teamwork, and laboratory experiences are integrated throughout all four years of the curriculum.